
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Move Her Mind: Creating Inclusive Spaces for Women and Girls

The more we move, the better we feel. In 2022 a global study commissioned by sportswear company ASICS, The State of Mind Index, studied people’s physical activity levels and mental wellbeing across the globe. In their first Move Every Mind Report, not only did ASICS learn that physical activity has a powerful impact on our…

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Showing 111-120 of 138 Results

Underserviced Youth: Sports Participation Barriers and Best Practices

December 13, 2016
According to Statistics Canada, children who live in unsafe neighborhoods, children of new immigrants and children coming from low-income families are less likely to participate in sports. For children, joining a sports team is an opportunity to learn, create new...


November 30, 2016
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article reviewing a research study examining the PROCESS...

Tips for Back to School Nutrition and Physical Activity

September 7, 2016
While this has been an exciting summer in sport, September brings us back to the classroom. This time of year reminds us that it is time to return to learning and it’s time to consider the best way to fuel...

Keeping the Family Active during the Summer Break

July 20, 2016
Michelle Caron
School is out which usually means late nights and lazy mornings. While the summer means more time for relaxation and time spent with family, it’s also important to sneak in some fitness too. It’s the perfect opportunity to plan activities...

Sport Academies: A Growing Phenomenon in Canadian Schools

June 22, 2016
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article reviewing a research study on SPORT ACADEMY...


March 16, 2016
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining IMPACTS ON CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZED...

Preparing for the Future – Building leadership skills in young women

January 20, 2016
Young girls today have quite a few options to choose from when deciding which sport they wish to dedicate their time and effort to, particularly regarding sports that have traditionally been reserved for boys. While the number of girls in...


November 11, 2015
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN DEVELOPING ATHLETES. The...

Coaching – Keeping Sport Fun for All

September 9, 2015
We all know how much sport can offer kids; we’ve got numerous research studies along with our personal experiences to back it up. Research also shows us that most sport participation rates peak at 13 years old and then continuously...

Get the students moving! Physical activity and the classroom

September 2, 2015
The link between physical activity and academic achievement has always been an area of research that science has been keen to explore. It’s great to know that there is a positive association in sport participation and grade point averages, but...

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