Annual Reports
SIRC’s annual report highlights current and future initiatives as well as our impact on sport and physical activity in Canada. Explore our annual reports and financial statements below to see the impact we’ve made in recent years.

SIRC marked its 50th anniversary in 2023, standing as a testament to the vision and dedication of its founders, leaders, and collaborators. Moving forward, SIRC remains committed to its pillars of knowledge excellence, expanding networks within the sports community, and promoting innovative approaches to advance the landscape of sports in Canada.

Looking back on 2022, we are extremely proud of SIRC’s dedicated, professional team and of our sport partners for having embarked on a journey with us to collectively work on reimagining sport in Canada. Individuals and communities in Canada made it clear that sport and physical activity are important, however, they must be safe and inspire a positive experience for all.

While the word “unprecedented” perhaps best defined 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic continued in 2021 and early 2022. Rapidly evolving return to play protocols, vaccination policies, and the return of major games kept sport organizations at all levels busy with many Canadians eager to return to organized sport and competition. As Canada continues down the path of pandemic recovery, SIRC is here, supporting the sector, every step of the way.

2020 began like no other with the arrival of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the country in lock down. With everyone working from home, travel halted, and sport events and activities cancelled, the critical role that SIRC plays to inform and unite the sector was amplified. Collaborating with sport partners and the Board, SIRC’s pandemic protocol helped to guide the unchartered waters ahead.