
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Preventing eating disorders among young athletes

Introduction  Adolescence is a pivotal stage marked by increased vulnerability to the development of body image concerns, disordered eating, and eating disorders. For adolescents involved in sport, where they may face pressure to conform to a certain body type to progress and achieve success, the risk may be even more pronounced.  Consider some of the…

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Showing 1-10 of 14 Results

Cirque du Soleil: Bridging the gap between athletes and artists

February 5, 2025
Paula Baker
Cirque du Soleil is renowned for its breathtaking performances, combining artistry, athleticism, and storytelling to create unparalleled spectacles. But how does this world-class organization find and transform its talent? André Lachance, Senior Director Casting and Artist Contract Management at Cirque...

Beyond the Stats: Understanding Sleeper Athletes with Dr. Joe Baker

January 22, 2025
Paula Baker
In a sports culture obsessed with early success, Canada may be missing out on some of the best athletes, sleepers, those who develop later, defying the traditional timelines of talent. Dr. Joe Baker, a leading expert on talent development and...

Do you see what I see? Understanding talent selection in sport

January 15, 2024
Joe Baker
Introduction and Context  Over the past two decades there has been increasing interest in evidence-based approaches to talent selection and identification. This is often coupled with an emphasis on the early identification of ‘talented’ athletes, based on the assumption that...

Identification of “sleeping” talent in elite ice-hockey using psychological characteristics 

February 13, 2023
Simon Grondin
In sports, some athletes currently under-perform compared to others, but end up excelling later in life, while some who currently perform well, end up under-performing later on. In other words, current performance is not necessarily a good predictor of potential...

For or Against? The Pros and Cons of Early Talent Identification in Sport

April 13, 2021
Aaron Koenigsberg, Jesse Korf, and Lou Farah, York University
Early Talent Identification (TID) describes the process of identifying, evaluating and selecting athletes for sport programs in early adolescence (ages 10-14). This practice has created a contentious issue in sport. On one hand, early selection may eliminate late bloomers from...

Supporting Podium Dreams – Paralympian Search and RBC Training Ground

January 11, 2021
Sydney Millar, SIRC
To support the identification and development of future Olympians and Paralympians, two Canadian programs have been developed to fuel the Canadian pipeline of future hopefuls. RBC Training Ground and the Canadian Paralympic Committee’s Paralympian Search are athlete identification programs designed...

Exploring contemporary issues in Canadian youth hockey: Experiences and perspectives of peewee players and elite hockey insiders

July 20, 2020
Sarah Jeffery-Tosoni
Project Summary Hockey has a profound impact on the values, attitudes, and behaviours of Canadians (Earle, 2002; Gruneau & Whitson, 1993; Nixon, 1976). Youth hockey in Canada has been the target of much recent criticism, with attention being called to...

Coming of Age With Relative Age Research: Origins, Consequences, and Potential Solutions

January 22, 2019
Laura Chittle, Jess C. Dixon, Sean Horton, and Joe Baker
On October 17, 2018, Relative Age Effects: An International Conference was hosted at York University where leading international scholars gathered to discuss the implications of athletes’ dates of birth on sport, health, and education. This article highlights the history of...

Issues in Athlete Identification and Selection: Are We Compromising Talent?

October 10, 2018
Joe Baker, Nick Wattie, and Jörg Schorer
Despite some important ethical and developmental concerns, early identification and selection is the modus operandi of high performance sport. Most sport systems internationally have limited resources for high performance athlete development and, as a result, have to make predictions about...

Happy birthday? How your birthdate contributes to success or failure due to the “relative age effect”

September 19, 2018
Laura Chittle, Jess Dixon, Sean Horton and Joe Baker
Have you ever stopped to wonder the difference a day can make? Say, being born December 31st or January 1st? This small 24-hour window could be the difference between competing in elite vs. recreational sport, or being identified as “gifted”,...

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