
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Preventing eating disorders among young athletes

Introduction  Adolescence is a pivotal stage marked by increased vulnerability to the development of body image concerns, disordered eating, and eating disorders. For adolescents involved in sport, where they may face pressure to conform to a certain body type to progress and achieve success, the risk may be even more pronounced.  Consider some of the…

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Showing 1-10 of 131 Results

Physical activity and recovery from sport-related concussion

September 25, 2024
Kim Foster Yardley & Noa Marley
Imagine you’re on the field, adrenaline pumping, and ready to give your all. Suddenly, a collision occurs, and everything changes in an instant. This is the reality of a sport-related concussion, which many athletes know all too well. A sport-related...

Smooth sailing: The evolution of adaptive equipment in the sport

May 13, 2024
Jenny Davey, SIRC
Brian Cuerrier of Belleville, ON uses the windlass to race at the Quebec Cup regatta in Pointe Claire Quebec with companion Emilie Léonard in 2015. Photo: Luka Bartulovic Innovations in sailing technology A slick white hull cuts through the salt...

“It means so much for Canadian tennis”: How Marina Stakusic’s post-BJK Cup claim predicted a rise for tennis in Canada

January 31, 2024
Tennis Canada
A Canadian flag draped around her shoulders, a beaming, then-18-year-old Marina Stakusic is flanked by captain Heidi El Tabakh and Gabriela Dabrowski on the hard courts of Estadio de la Cartuja. Just minutes earlier, Leylah Annie Fernandez flung her racquet...

Saving sport collectively from poor air quality: Lessons learned from South Korea

August 30, 2023
Eun Jung
“City of Ottawa, recreational outdoor programs & leagues are cancelled today, June 7 due to poor air quality in the Ottawa region.”  Canada is in the midst of a record-breaking year for wildfires, which directly impacts air quality. Accordingly, multiple...

Rural children and their communities leading the way toward the enhancement of sports and recreation

July 31, 2023
View the summary of this research here. The purpose of the study was to engage rural preadolescent children in the development of research questions that are relevant and meaningful to exploring their participation and commitment to sport and other recreational...

Supporting physical activity among young people diagnosed with cancer

May 17, 2023
Amanda Wurz, Emma McLaughlin and S. Nicole Culos Reed
Most Canadians know that being physically active is important for overall health. But did you know that physical activity may be particularly important for young people diagnosed with cancer? Children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with cancer experience many negative...

The Socializing Together while Running InDEpendently (STRIDE) pilot randomized controlled trial: Feasibility and acceptability of an online-delivered running and walking group program to support low active university students’ well-being and exercise behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic  

May 1, 2023
Colin Wierts
Project summary  Group-based sport and exercise programs, guided by the social identity approach1, represent a viable strategy to promote physical activity and well-being among university students, particularly during the COVID-19 context. Social identity informed interventions aim to cultivate a sense...

Clearing the air around air quality and outdoor sport safety

April 24, 2023
Sport Information Resource Centre with Health Canada
Highlights In 2022, Health Canada and the Sport Information Resource Centre partnered to create educational resources to raise awareness about air quality and the safety of outdoor sport participation Air pollution can impact the health of all Canadians, but some...

Cannabis and sport: What athletes and sport organizations need to know

April 24, 2023
Christian Cheung
Highlights With the exception of CBD, cannabinoids remain prohibited by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport during the competition phase of the athletic season and therefore are not to be used by athletes Although some cannabis and CBD products...

Sport Information Resource Centre, Coaching Association of Canada and Health Canada Launch Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) E-learning Module

March 21, 2023
Canada’s most trusted partner in advancing sport knowledge is raising awareness of the importance of the AQHI as it relates to athlete health and empowering sport leaders to make informed decisions about air quality. March 21, 2023 Ottawa – The...

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