
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Preventing eating disorders among young athletes

Introduction  Adolescence is a pivotal stage marked by increased vulnerability to the development of body image concerns, disordered eating, and eating disorders. For adolescents involved in sport, where they may face pressure to conform to a certain body type to progress and achieve success, the risk may be even more pronounced.  Consider some of the…

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Showing 1-10 of 47 Results

Physical activity and recovery from sport-related concussion

September 25, 2024
Kim Foster Yardley & Noa Marley
Imagine you’re on the field, adrenaline pumping, and ready to give your all. Suddenly, a collision occurs, and everything changes in an instant. This is the reality of a sport-related concussion, which many athletes know all too well. A sport-related...

The state of coaching sport: Landmark report reveals new insights and data

July 15, 2024
Eric McLoughlin
This article is part of a series in collaboration with the Centre for Healthy Youth Development through Sport (CHYDS) at Brock University and was presented at the CHYDS’ hosted Youth Sport Summit in April 2024. Coaching is the backbone of sport,...

Follow-up visits after a concussion: time to take preventive measures

March 13, 2024
Scott Ramsay
Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey legend, is famous for the quote “Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” Behind this saying is the thought of instead of chasing what’s already happened, try to get a...

Beyond the ice: Former pro hockey player’s concussion struggles drive PhD mission for improved pediatric care for children and youth

January 15, 2024
Dr. Scott Ramsay, Ph.D and Paula Baker
In the halls of BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Scott Ramsay witnessed a disconcerting pattern: children with concussions were being referred to the hospital too late, their symptoms already complex and challenging to manage. For Ramsay, a former professional hockey...

Sleep, Socioemotional Functioning, and Symptom Experience: An Experimental Sleep Restriction Study

January 1, 2024
Brandon Zuccato
Introduction and Context  Concussions are very common in sport (Daugherty et al., 2020). As such, accurate assessment of concussion is imperative for safe participation in sport at all levels. A major domain of assessment is self-report symptoms (Patricios et al.,...

Concussion Awareness Week 2023 reached Canadians from coast-to-coast-coast

November 1, 2023
Together we reached over 5 million Canadians during this year’s Concussion Awareness Week. From coast-to-coast-to-coast, the activities spanned September 24 to September 30, 2023, including Ontario’s Rowan’s Law Day on September 27, and showcased the collective strength in our goal to encourage...

Concussion Awareness Week in Canada: September 24 – September 30

September 25, 2023
Canada’s most trusted partner in advancing sport knowledge will be raising awareness of the importance of concussion education during Concussion Awareness Week as we feature best practices and examples from the sport sector Ottawa – Concussion Awareness Week, a nationwide...

Best practices in Concussion in Sport: Updates from the Amsterdam International Consensus Statement

August 21, 2023
Kathryn Schneider
Highlights:  Concussion is a brain injury and is among the most common injuries in contact and collision sport.  Published in June 2023, the Amsterdam Consensus Statement summarizes the latest research in concussion as of the 6th International Conference on Concussion...

Psychosocial readiness to return to sport following a sport-related concussion

September 28, 2022
Gabrielle Cadotte, Béatrice Normandin, and Jeff Caron, University of Montreal
Did you know that 1 in 450 Canadians suffered a sport-related concussion (SRC) or other type of brain injury in the past year (Gordon & Kuhle, 2022)? A SRC is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct or indirect...

Acquired Cognitive-Communication Disorders and Post-Concussion Syndrome in sport: What you should know 

September 21, 2022
Kerry King, Connect Speech Therapy
Sport-Related Concussion has become recognized as a major health problem that affects millions of people around the world annually (Wang et al., 2016). In Canada, sport and recreational activities account for a large proportion of concussions, particularly amongst children, adolescents...

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