
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Superstars or a super-team? Building capacity to play like a championship team

What makes a winning team? Is it raw talent, star power, or an overflowing budget? Think again. The most successful teams—on the field or in the office—don’t just rely on superstars. They thrive on balance, leadership, and a collective drive that turns a group of individuals into an unstoppable force. Take the 1972 Miami Dolphins,…

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Showing 1-10 of 33 Results

A Code for All Levels of Sport: Implementing the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) across Canada

October 21, 2024
Marcus Mazzucco & Hilary Findlay
Introduction The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) was introduced to the Canadian sport system at the national level in 2022. It may be time to think about its role across the entire sport...

Creating safe spaces in recreational sport: A mental health perspective

October 21, 2024
Jordan Sutcliffe
Sports are often celebrated for their physical benefits, but they also play a crucial role in mental health. Participation in sports can improve mood, stress relief, and foster a sense of belonging (Bruner et al., 2018; Panza et al., 2020)....

Elevating athlete voices: The path to safe sport in Canada

November 22, 2023
Elana Liberman & Eric MacIntosh
Centralizing the voice of the athlete is a critical step in ensuring Safe Sport is realized. This was the primary theme of our talks on the panel “The future of safe sport: Hooked on hope not fishing for problems” at the...

The challenges of shifting to a safer sport culture: High performance coach and administrator perspectives

August 21, 2023
Eric MacIntosh, Shannon Kerwin and Alison Doherty
Highlights High performance coaches and administrators are key stewards of a shift to safer sport In our research, coaches and administrators identified 6 challenges to culture change in high performance sport: Sport is inherently unsafe Turbulent, unstable sport environment Lack...

Safe sport jobs increase as Canadian sport sector responds to community

June 7, 2023
Safe sport and safeguarding in sport have become top priorities for the Canadian sport sector. Prevalence studies have revealed that athletes across different levels of sport frequently experience maltreatment (Alexander et coll., 2011; Vertommen et coll., 2016; US Center for...

Safe, quality and values-based: 3 approaches to optimize sport experience

April 24, 2023
Jennifer Coletti and Veronica Allan, SIRC
Highlights  There are several evidence-informed approaches to sport delivery that researchers and sport organizations encourage, and that you can engage with, to promote positive experiences and combat harmful cultures in sport and society  Quality sport, values-based sport and safe sport...

Acquired Cognitive-Communication Disorders and Post-Concussion Syndrome in sport: What you should know 

September 21, 2022
Kerry King, Connect Speech Therapy
Sport-Related Concussion has become recognized as a major health problem that affects millions of people around the world annually (Wang et al., 2016). In Canada, sport and recreational activities account for a large proportion of concussions, particularly amongst children, adolescents...

Playing devil’s advocate: How to avoid groupthink in sport environments

August 17, 2022
Erin Locke and Luc Martin, Queen’s University
“This is how we’ve always done it.” You’ve heard that phrase before. Whether you’ve said it or heard it said, it’s clear that groupthink is present in every corner of our society. When we fail to consider fresh perspectives in...

“That’s a Blue for you”: Referee experiences managing concussion injury risk in Canadian amateur rugby

July 13, 2022
Jennifer Coletti, SIRC
People who are into sports like soccer and rugby are familiar with yellow and red cards. When an official presents a player with a yellow card, that’s a warning that they’ve committed an offence on the playing field. A red...

How coaches and sport organizations can create a better experience for LGBTQ+ youth

June 29, 2022
Dawn E. Trussell, Kyle Rich and Jake Quinton
Participating in sport can have many benefits for lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGBTQ+) youth. Sport has the potential to bring joy, distraction and mindfulness that frees LGBTQ+ youth from worry and fear in other domains of their lives. Sport can...
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