
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Cirque du Soleil: Bridging the gap between athletes and artists

Cirque du Soleil is renowned for its breathtaking performances, combining artistry, athleticism, and storytelling to create unparalleled spectacles. But how does this world-class organization find and transform its talent? André Lachance, Senior Director Casting and Artist Contract Management at Cirque du Soleil, shared insights into the fascinating process of talent acquisition and development, where elite…

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Showing 1-10 of 16 Results

The True Sport Experience: Bringing physical and ethical literacy to life in and out of the classroom

August 25, 2021
the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
Physical and health education teachers and coaches are experts at helping kids learn new skills. By patiently walking students through each learning step, they build the blocks of learners’ physical literacy. However, sport and recreation experiences aren’t built on physical...

Creating quality sports programs for kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities

June 28, 2021
Canadian Disability Participation Project
Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can benefit physically and psychosocially when they take part in sport (Baran et al., 2009, 2013; Weiss & Bebko, 2008). Unfortunately, their needs are often neglected, which leads to various physical, social, communication...

Giving Due Deliberation to Masters Athletes: The Time has Come

January 11, 2021
Bradley Young, Scott Rathwell, and Bettina Callary
Paradoxically, Masters sport is equally celebrated and ignored. Masters athletes are celebrated because they are motivated, goal-oriented, and determined to thrive at ages when sport participation has traditionally waned – they defeat stereotypes and allow us to rethink possibilities. Yet...

Returning to Play…Better

September 16, 2020
Sydney Millar, SIRC
When the initial shock of the COVID-19 lockdown passed, the attention of our sector turned to contemplating what sport and physical activity would look like in an era of public health restrictions. The development and implementation of return to play...

Is Accessibility Enough? How to Create Quality Experiences in Parasport

July 18, 2019
Veronica Allan, York University
In 2006, the United Nations endorsed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) — a landmark convention that protects the right to participation in variety of social domains, including sport activities, venues, and services.  The CRPD has...

Teaching Life Skills Through Sport

February 13, 2019
Sara Kramers & Corliss Bean
This blog is the second in a series by the authors on positive youth development in sport. If this is your first visit to this series, considering taking a few minutes to read the other two posts: Tips on How...

Creating a Values-Based Sport System in Canada

January 22, 2019
Alison Jones and Michael McLenaghen
Across playing fields, courts and ice rinks in Canada, demands for improvements in the quality of the sport experience are growing. While sport has long been celebrated for its role in developing the character of our nation, stories shared in...

Increasing engagement by addressing de-selection practices in youth sport

October 10, 2018
Jonathan Mauro, Douglas Gleddie, and Lauren Sulz
As researchers and educators who have been (and still are!) extensively involved in sport, back to school time also means back to school SPORT time! Through our personal experience and our research, we know firsthand the positive impact that participation...

The Development of Executive Functions and Social and Emotional Learning Skills Through Sport

October 10, 2018
Vicki Harber
One of the biggest stories coming out of the 2018 Winter Olympics was the success of the Norwegian Team, who topped the overall medal count with 39 medals (7.33 medals/million population), compared to Canada’s third-place standing with 29 medals (0.81...

Tips on How to Deliver a Quality Youth Sport Program

September 5, 2018
Corliss Bean, University of British Columbia Okanagan
This is the first blog in a series on positive youth development in sport. If this is your first visit to this series, considering taking a few minutes to read the other two posts: Teaching Life Skills Through Sport and...
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