
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Beyond the Stats: Understanding Sleeper Athletes with Dr. Joe Baker

In a sports culture obsessed with early success, Canada may be missing out on some of the best athletes, sleepers, those who develop later, defying the traditional timelines of talent. Dr. Joe Baker, a leading expert on talent development and professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto, says…

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Showing 21-30 of 33 Results

Tackling Racism on Campus

February 23, 2021
Devon Bowyer and Jada Roach, BIPOC Varsity Association, University of Toronto
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet and D’Andre Campbell are names of Black men and women who were killed this past year. Their tragic deaths sparked a global conversation about anti-Black racism, police brutality, white supremacy and the...

Experts in the House – Q&A with Beckie Scott on Integrity in Sport

October 13, 2020
SIRC and Beckie Scott
In this highly-anticipated SIRC webinar, Politics vs Principle: retaining integrity in sport, and why it matters, Beckie Scott discussed the importance of ethics and integrity in sport and safeguarding the rights of athletes in the face of increasing pressures to...

A True Sport Journey: Gymnastics Canada’s new Values-Based Coaching Module

September 30, 2020
Gymnastics Canada and True Sport
“Build the foundation. Create champions. Inspire the nation.” Although Gymnastics Canada’s (GymCan) mission statement refers to the sport of gymnastics, it could also describe their new project with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) to create a True...

Inclusion Must Be Intentional

July 29, 2020
Andrea Carey, INclusion INcorporated
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “inclusion” is the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. True inclusion involves authentic and empowered participation and a true sense of belonging for all participants. However,...

2019 Year in Review

December 18, 2019
As we ease ourselves into the year ahead, here is a round-up of the most popular SIRCuit articles and SIRC blogs from 2019! Top 5 SIRCuit Articles Gender Equity is Good Governance – Lessons from the Sport Sector Cannabis and...

Why Transgender Eligibility Policies Aren’t Enough

January 22, 2019
Sarah Teetzel
In releasing its transgender inclusion policy in September 2018, U Sports joined an ever-increasing list of organizations, from the community to international levels, that have implemented policies to regulate the inclusion of athletes who identify as transgender. Organizations with trans...

Changing the Culture of Hazing in Canada

January 22, 2019
Dr. Jay Johnson and Dr. Margery Holman
Allegations emerging in media reports from Toronto’s St. Michael’s College in the fall of 2018 have made hazing top of mind for athletic staff at Canada’s secondary and post-secondary education institutions. Unfortunately, it is not an isolated event. Reports of...

Creating a Values-Based Sport System in Canada

January 22, 2019
Alison Jones and Michael McLenaghen
Across playing fields, courts and ice rinks in Canada, demands for improvements in the quality of the sport experience are growing. While sport has long been celebrated for its role in developing the character of our nation, stories shared in...

Athlete Perspective: My reality as a clean athlete in a not so clean sport

January 22, 2019
Christine Girard
SIRC’s Athlete Perspective series provides insight and recommendations on key issues from an athlete’s perspective. The collection of blogs and SIRCuit articles profiles Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes and taps into their lived experience. I started weightlifting in a small,...

Creating a Safer Sport Environment with Ethics and Respect Training

August 8, 2018
Michel Hachey, Coaching Association of Canada
This is the final blog of a 3-part series providing tools and resources to strengthen safety and ethical values in sport by introducing the Responsible Coaching Movement. If this is your first visit to this blog series, considering taking a...
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