
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Preventing eating disorders among young athletes

Introduction  Adolescence is a pivotal stage marked by increased vulnerability to the development of body image concerns, disordered eating, and eating disorders. For adolescents involved in sport, where they may face pressure to conform to a certain body type to progress and achieve success, the risk may be even more pronounced.  Consider some of the…

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Meaning, Trust, and Belonging: Exploring the Factors that Foster Elite Refugee Athletes’ Growth

January 22, 2024
Cole Giffin
Introduction and Context Within the last decade there has been increased attention in supporting elite refugee athletes through sport. This attention includes international teams in the Olympics and national teams within their new countries. Many of these athletes have competed...

“They’re not yelling at you. They’re yelling at your shirt”: Canadian sport system faces officiating crisis

March 13, 2023
Caela Fenton
Highlights  The Canadian sport system is experiencing a steep decline in number of match officials due to a combination of factors including abuse, lack of support from organizations, and lack of compensation  In this article, officials from various sports across...

Creating welcoming, equitable spaces for new Canadians in sport

March 13, 2023
Veronica Allan
Highlights: Sport can help to promote physical and mental health, build social connections and support integration into Canadian communities among newcomers to Canada Research shows that newcomers face unique barriers to sport participation, including cost, transportation, language, access to information,...

Using life skills to promote social justice: Youth sport as a vehicle for social change

February 1, 2023
Corliss Bean, Tarkington J. Newman, Martin Camiré, Leisha Strachan
As youth sport researchers, we seek to understand how youth develop and transfer life skills. In recent years, cultural issues have urged us to evolve our understanding of life skills. For instance, the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements continue...

Data for change: Embracing demographics to advance equity in sport

April 22, 2022
Bryan Heal, Marika Warner and Jackie Robinson, MLSE LaunchPad
Highlights The “who” is as important as the “what” when sport organizations are planning for data, analytics and evidence-based change related to equity, diversity and inclusion. When it comes to race and intersectionality, the power of data practices is its...

Mentoring Black women coaches: Developing confidence through relationships and learning

April 22, 2022
Alex I McKenzie and Janelle Joseph, University of Toronto
Photo credit: Conestoga College Condors Athletics Highlights Some coaches are the “only” in their organization: the only woman, only racialized person or only racialized woman. Being the “only” relates to feelings of otherness and isolation, threatening coaches’ confidence. Social support...

Shaping inclusive sport policy and programs

April 22, 2022
Joanne Kay, Lindsay Larue, Klara Steele, and Benoit Gendron, Sport Canada
Highlights Over the past few years, the racism and discrimination brought to light throughout society and within the sport sector have forced a necessary reflection on policies and practices.  There’s a renewed urgency for sport stakeholders to adopt new policies...

2021 year in review: How SIRC embraced the “new normal”

December 22, 2021
After 2020 surprised us all with a global pandemic, many of us looked to 2021 with hope for a gradual return to our pre-pandemic “normal.” And with the widespread rollout and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines across the country, the activities...

Racing towards 2030: Using the Sustainable Development Goals to move inclusion forward in sport

March 30, 2021
Andrea Carey, INclusion INcorporated
If there was ever a time in our history to consider how to not leave anyone behind, 2020 was that year. As people and organizations seek to reconcile the impact of COVID-19, we need to think about how we build...

Tackling Racism on Campus

February 23, 2021
Devon Bowyer and Jada Roach, BIPOC Varsity Association, University of Toronto
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Regis Korchinski-Paquet and D’Andre Campbell are names of Black men and women who were killed this past year. Their tragic deaths sparked a global conversation about anti-Black racism, police brutality, white supremacy and the...

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