Socioeconomic background and sport participation
One major barrier to sport participation is often financial constraints. In high-income countries, children and adolescents from higher socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to participate in organized sports and meet physical activity guidelines than those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Beyond the Stats: Understanding Sleeper Athletes with Dr. Joe Baker
In a sports culture obsessed with early success, Canada may be missing out on some of the best athletes, sleepers, those who develop later, defying the traditional timelines of talent. Dr. Joe Baker, a leading expert on talent development and professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto, says…
Sport for stress reduction
Sport isn’t just about competition, it’s also about having fun. For adolescents, engaging in physical activity can reduce the effects of stress, especially when they genuinely enjoy what they’re doing. This highlights how motivation behind physical activity influences life satisfaction and reduces stress.
Leadership behaviour of youth coaches
In youth sports, coaches wield significant influence on athlete development. A recent study explores why coaches use specific leadership behaviours and their intended outcomes. Results reveal how different leadership styles correspond with distinct coaching objectives, aiding in enhancing our understanding of coaching practices for improved athlete experiences.
The Big Five: SIRC’s Most Impactful Reads of 2024
As the curtain falls on 2024, it’s time for a quick pit stop to catch our breath and reflect on the ride. The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) has been right there, navigating the twists and turns of Canadian sport and spotlighting the stories that matter most. From mentorship that goes beyond the locker room…
Addressing mental health in elite youth athletes
A recent review shows that research on elite youth athletes often focuses on disordered eating, anxiety and depression and that risk factors for mental health issues include gender, athlete status, and social relationships with coaches, parents and guardians, and peers. These findings highlight the pressing need for effective prevention measures to safeguard the mental health…
Leadership behaviour of youth coaches
In youth sports, coaches wield significant influence on athlete development. A recent study explores why coaches use specific leadership behaviours and their intended outcomes. Results reveal how different leadership styles correspond with distinct coaching objectives, aiding in enhancing our understanding of coaching practices for improved athlete experiences.
Addressing mental health in elite youth athletes
A recent review shows that research on elite youth athletes often focuses on disordered eating, anxiety and depression and that risk factors for mental health issues include gender, athlete status, and social relationships with coaches, parents and guardians, and peers. These findings highlight the pressing need for effective prevention measures to safeguard the mental health…
Swimming lessons in underserved communities
Swimming skills and water safety are crucial for all water-based activities and sports, particularly for children and youth. Research on extracurricular swimming programs in underserved communities demonstrates significant improvements in participants’ swimming abilities and safety knowledge, leading to increased confidence in their skills.