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Leveraging Sport Events for Sport Development

Project Summary It is often claimed that sport events can stimulate interest and consequent participation in sport. The data on this matter are inconclusive. It is known, however, that sport participation is not being raised merely by the fact that an event is being hosted, but rather on the ways that an event is used…

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Showing 91-100 of 131 Results

Want to have a good quality sleep? Try Exercise!

April 15, 2015
Poor sleep quality is a common issue for many people, in fact, one in four people experience sleep difficulties. This includes trouble falling or staying asleep, early morning waking, sleeping too much, or experiencing a restless sleep. Experts agree that...

I’ve signed up for an obstacle race – now what?

March 25, 2015
Many people have the impression that obstacle races are for elite athletes, when in fact many races accommodate all fitness levels. These types of races are great if you want to give yourself an extra challenge but have a little...

The Placebo Effect: Why the mind is a powerful thing

March 18, 2015
The advancement of sport science and sport medicine has brought many fields to work to together in order to maximize athletic performance. Integrated Support Teams (IST) are the norm of today in elite athletics. Such teams consist of physicians, nutritionists,...

After concussion: Student-athletes return-to-learn

March 11, 2015
When a high school age student athlete receives a concussion, it’s important that all adults that interact with that student know how to provide the best atmosphere for them when they return to school. While health care professionals are increasingly...

Do fitness trackers live up to the hype?

February 17, 2015
If you want an easy and convenient way to keep track of your fitness or training goals, fitness trackers seem to be the way to do it. Availability and consistency are key factors in creating a new habit and since...

Get yourself pumped up with a great playlist!

January 20, 2015
Many studies have shown that music provides a welcome distraction from discomfort and is a great mood booster. It encourages a person to move with the beat of each song and has the capacity to increase energy and improve physical...

Staying Fit while Pregnant: Tips for a Safe Workout

January 15, 2015
For the majority of pregnant women (those without an underlying medical condition), regular physical activity is good for the both mother and baby, physically, mentally and socially. Women should aim to participate in some form of moderate intensity aerobic and...

Active transportation: the use of human power

January 13, 2015
Active transportation (AT), can be a great way to get to and from work, school, grocery shopping or simply as a means of visiting friends in your community. It can also be a way of staying active while getting the...

Sleep: Why is it important during the teen years?

January 8, 2015
Getting quality sleep is as important to our health and well-being as eating properly and maintaining regular exercise. It is recommended that adolescents’ ages 12 to 18 years get 9 to 10 hours daily; however, teens do not seem to...

Is it possible to have a healthy, active holiday season?

December 24, 2014
For 11 months of the year we (mostly) watch what we eat and stick to our exercise routine, then the holidays roll around and the wheels fall off. Tempted by wonderful goodies every time you turn around and overloaded by...

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