
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Leveraging Sport Events for Sport Development

Project Summary It is often claimed that sport events can stimulate interest and consequent participation in sport. The data on this matter are inconclusive. It is known, however, that sport participation is not being raised merely by the fact that an event is being hosted, but rather on the ways that an event is used…

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Showing 71-80 of 131 Results

Mom and Me: Active Lifestyles Begin at Home!

May 17, 2017
Lily Dong, SIRC
A physically active lifestyle begins to develop early in childhood. Almost 31% of Canadian children and youth 5-19 years of age are overweight or obese and if the current trends continue, by 2040, 70% of 40-year-olds will be overweight or...

Tips for an Active Spring Break!

March 8, 2017
With many school systems across the country going into Spring Break, families are looking for ways to keep their kids active and engaged. Whether they are at home for the week or you decide to go on the road, there...

Beating the Winter Blues

February 8, 2017
With the cold weather and shorter daylight hours, many people struggle with their mood and behaviour. Less sunlight, reduced access to physical activity and a general feeling of lethargy seem to build on each other to affect behaviours. The cold,...

What is the role of physical therapy in sport?

January 18, 2017
Most active Canadians will at some point in their life experience an injury related to their physical activity or sport. Knowing what to do and how to address these injuries so they don’t get worse is where sport physiotherapy comes...

Preventing infection and maintaining immune function using nutritional strategies

December 13, 2016
Catherine Naulleau, VIVAÏ Experts en nutrition
It is well documented that moderate exercise prevents many infections and greatly improves immune system function. In contrast, among elite athletes who train at a faster pace and at a higher intensity, the risk of illness increases significantly and the...

Agility Training: Insights from the Research

December 12, 2016
Nancy Rebel
High performance athletes depend on coordination and agility to fine tune their skills and abilities on the field of play. Outside of the skills needed specifically for sport, agility is often looked at as a leading factor in determining success...

Why not FALL for a new fitness routine!!

November 9, 2016
Looking to start a new fitness program? Why wait until the new year? Fall is a great time to either start a new fitness routine or shake up your current routine in preparation for the festive times in the coming...

Tips for Back to School Nutrition and Physical Activity

September 7, 2016
While this has been an exciting summer in sport, September brings us back to the classroom. This time of year reminds us that it is time to return to learning and it’s time to consider the best way to fuel...

Keeping the Family Active during the Summer Break

July 20, 2016
Michelle Caron
School is out which usually means late nights and lazy mornings. While the summer means more time for relaxation and time spent with family, it’s also important to sneak in some fitness too. It’s the perfect opportunity to plan activities...

Beach Running – Your Summer or Vacation Workout

July 6, 2016
Michelle Caron
Now that summer is officially here, our thoughts are with sunshine, barbeques, and days spent on the beach. Beach running offers many benefits to a runner that wants to up the challenge a bit. Breathing the air, taking in the...

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