
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Team Unbreakable: The transformative power of running for youth mental health

Mental health challenges among Canadian youth are a growing concern. It is estimated that up to 20% of children and youth in Canada, which is more than 1.2 million young individuals, are affected by a mental health disorder. Addressing the mental health needs of these children and youth lays a crucial foundation for their lifelong…

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Showing 21-30 of 34 Results

Feeling the heat? Stay safe this summer with these cool tips!

June 24, 2015
The hot summer weather is finally settling in and people are heading outdoors for their workouts and enjoying recreational activities with their families. Everyone loves this time of year; there are so many opportunities for physical activity whether it’s a...

Should Athletes try the Paleo Diet?

May 13, 2015
The Paleolithic Diet is hugely popular right now with its proponents touting its benefits through books, websites, personal blogs and health and fitness magazines. Athletes are always striving to gain an edge so it’s not surprising that many are turning...

Exercise Associated Muscle Cramping

April 1, 2015
Muscle cramps are a common occurrence in sports and numerous other physical activities, where even highly fit athletes can experience slight to very painful muscle spasms.  Any muscle can be affected but it commonly occurs to the legs, for athletes...

Three Key Training Elements for Masters Athletes

February 10, 2015
Masters athletes is a term that encompasses a wide range of active men and women over 35 who compete in sports at a very high level; they can range from the weekend warrior to elite competitor. Baby boomers are a...

Nutritional Demands for Adolescent Athletes

December 11, 2014
Good nutrition for adolescents is essential for promoting proper growth and development and is even more important with the demanding training schedules of a young athlete. Canada’s Food Guide provides excellent nutritional information for teenagers aged between 12 and 18 years...

Post-Exercise Nutrition

October 21, 2014
Post-exercise nutrition should be an important goal that is placed at the top of any serious athletes training priorities. After an intense training session, your body will be sorely lacking the energy and nutrients it needs to recover. While we...

Do you really need to take a multivitamin?

September 19, 2014
Vitamins and supplements are big business, with billions of dollars spent each year. North Americans are firm in the belief that they need to boost their intake of multivitamins for better health – but do they really work? Researchers generally...

The Runner’s Tummy

August 7, 2014
Experiencing physical activity by training to compete or exercising to improve our health are two ways to enhance quality of life. As you are going about your routine, stomach cramps can sometimes cause discomfort and cut short your workout. Runner’s...

Summer Safety: Preventing Heat Illness

July 29, 2014
Heat illness is a broad term that encompasses several conditions, ranging from mild heat cramps to heat stroke.  Heat illness is typically caused by a combination of hot environment, strenuous exercise, inadequate adaptation to the heat, age, hydration levels and/or a...

Active mothers = Active kids

July 24, 2014
Being physically active has many benefits such as controlling risk factors for heart disease, managing stress and generally improving our quality of life. In recent years, childhood obesity, a key predictor of obesity in adulthood continues to increase. This health...
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