
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Cirque du Soleil: Bridging the gap between athletes and artists

Cirque du Soleil is renowned for its breathtaking performances, combining artistry, athleticism, and storytelling to create unparalleled spectacles. But how does this world-class organization find and transform its talent? André Lachance, Senior Director Casting and Artist Contract Management at Cirque du Soleil, shared insights into the fascinating process of talent acquisition and development, where elite…

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Showing 1-10 of 26 Results

Executive summary of the Gold Medal Profile for Sport Psychology

January 24, 2024
Natalie Durand-Bush
Overview To achieve excellence, athletes must dedicate themselves not only to honing their physical fitness, but also to mastering the intricacies of their psychological skills. While extensive research has probed into the psychological attributes, states, and competencies of elite athletes,...

Self-Compassion in Sport 101

January 11, 2021
Nathan Reis, Kent Kowalski, Amber Mosewich, and Leah Ferguson
If you have been involved in the coaching or administrative side of competitive sport, chances are you have seen athletes experience emotionally difficult setbacks. These setbacks can range from devastating performance failures (e.g., “choking” during an important competition), to facing...

“If it Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix it:” Managing Subgroups in Sport

November 24, 2020
Curtis Smith, Student, Queen's University
This blog is the final installment in a series in collaboration with Queen’s University. As an assignment to build knowledge mobilization skills, Dr. Luc Martin, Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, tasked students in his third year team...

Mind over COVID? Mental health tips for coaches, athletes, and sport administrators

November 10, 2020
Chantale Lussier, Mental Performance Consultant
During epidemics, the number of people whose mental health is affected tends to be greater than the number of people affected by the infection. Past tragedies have shown that the mental health implications can last longer and have greater prevalence...

Want to Win? Focus on Communication

September 2, 2020
Andie MacPherson, Student, Queen's University
This blog is the third installment in a series in collaboration with Queen’s University. As an assignment to build knowledge mobilization skills, Dr. Luc Martin, Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, tasked students in his third year team...

Self-awareness – a key driver in developing well-rounded leaders

September 12, 2018
Dina Bell-Laroche, Sport Law & Strategy Group
“First, know thyself.” -Socrates Self-awareness is the ability to recognize, understand and manage one’s feelings, thoughts and behaviours. To better manage the complexities of the current sport and social landscape, self-awareness is a foundational skill that is being increasingly recognized...

Managing Pain in Endurance Sports

April 11, 2018
Jonathan Lasnier, PhD Student
Endurance athletes need to persevere through pain in training and competition. According to Kent University’s Samuele Marcora “our mind is what dictates our physical limits”. Exhaustion is not caused by muscle failure, but by the conscious decision to disengage from...

Regulating Pre-performance Psychobiosocial States with Music

December 6, 2017
SIRC Highlights from the Study Study background: For athletes at high levels, the ability to control one’s mind in the moments leading up to performance is a key element of pre-performance preparation. Music has been used by many athletes as...

Mindfulness for Peak Performance

August 2, 2017
Lily Dong, SIRC
Being an athlete is rewarding in countless ways, but there are also times it can be stressful. From experienced world-class athletes to young children in sport, athletes can be under immense external and internal pressure. To promote peak performance, as...

Sport Injury – Healing the Mind and Body

March 10, 2017
Most athletes, competitive through recreational, experience injury in their sport at some time. There are many practitioners out there who can help heal the physical symptoms of the injury from the family doctor to the physical therapist. But dealing with the...
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