
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Bridging generations: How physical activity is connecting kids and seniors

It all started with a simple idea: a banner with the words, “You are loved.”   Nestled in the heart of Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador, a subtle transformation is taking place. Danielle LeDrew, a teacher fueled by boundless enthusiasm at Woodland Primary, has stitched together the young and the young-at-heart through an intergenerational program that’s…

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Showing 11-20 of 115 Results

Shifting the narrative: Empowering parents and fostering understanding of their roles in the youth sport system

March 18, 2024
By Jean Côté, Mia KurtzFavero, Haley Hunter Smith, Stuart Wilson, and Alex Murata
Parents as promoters of positive youth sport experiences  One of the key social agents within the youth sport environment is the parent. They are commonly called upon to facilitate critical components of youth sport participation, such as providing material (registration...

ParkSeek: Linking young Canadians to parks and recreational resources using geo-targeted messaging in a smartphone application

January 1, 2024
Alexander Wray
Introduction and Context  The ParkSeek study aimed to identify barriers to youth (aged 13-25) engagement with parks and recreational resources via a novel geographic ecological momentary assessment (GEMA). However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, substantial challenges were encountered in...

Schools play a key role in supporting youth physical activity

October 4, 2023
Jeff Crane
For over a decade now, Canadian children and youth have received an overall physical activity grade of ‘D’ or worse according to the ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity (ParticipACTION, 2022). Only 28% of children and youth currently meet the...

Rural children and their communities leading the way toward the enhancement of sports and recreation

July 31, 2023
The purpose of the study was to engage rural preadolescent children in the development of research questions that are relevant and meaningful to exploring their participation and commitment to sport and other recreational activities. The three objectives were 1) To...

Parenting styles and practices: Promoting exemplary parenting in youth sport

July 3, 2023
Nick Holt
Project summary  Our research question was: How do exemplary youth sport parents support their daughters in competitive team sport? To answer this question, we interviewed 8 coaches and asked them to discuss the best parents they had ever worked with....

Development and Evaluation of the Coaching for Life Skills Training Program for High School Coaches

June 26, 2023
Martin Camiré
Project summary  The research project occurred in two sequential phases. In the phase one study, the purpose was to develop the Coaching for Life Skills training program and evaluate its pilot implementation. This first study was qualitative in nature and...

Why early childhood educators are key to developing children’s physical literacy

June 14, 2023
Jean Buckler
Early childhood is the foundational stage for developing physical literacy (motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding) needed to participate in sport and other physical activities throughout life (Whitehead, 2013). During early childhood, children are developing the foundational skills that...

Supporting physical activity among young people diagnosed with cancer

May 17, 2023
Amanda Wurz, Emma McLaughlin and S. Nicole Culos Reed
Most Canadians know that being physically active is important for overall health. But did you know that physical activity may be particularly important for young people diagnosed with cancer? Children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with cancer experience many negative...

Parenthood, childhood and organized youth sport in rural and small-town British Columbia: An ethnographic study 

May 8, 2023
Dominique Falls
Project summary  This study explores how parenthood and childhood are enacted within the context of organized youth sport in one rural and small-town British Columbia region. Studies of organized youth sport, childhood, and parenthood have primarily emphasized the experiences of...

Safe, quality and values-based: 3 approaches to optimize sport experience

April 24, 2023
Jennifer Coletti and Veronica Allan, SIRC
Highlights  There are several evidence-informed approaches to sport delivery that researchers and sport organizations encourage, and that you can engage with, to promote positive experiences and combat harmful cultures in sport and society  Quality sport, values-based sport and safe sport...

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