
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Beyond the Stats: Understanding Sleeper Athletes with Dr. Joe Baker

In a sports culture obsessed with early success, Canada may be missing out on some of the best athletes, sleepers, those who develop later, defying the traditional timelines of talent. Dr. Joe Baker, a leading expert on talent development and professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto, says…

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Showing 41-50 of 151 Results

Reducing Vulnerability to Fraud in Sport Organizations

March 3, 2021
Katie Misener, Lisa A. Kihl, Pamela Wicker, and Graham Cuskelly
Community sport clubs in Canada can be vulnerable to financial fraud, where someone uses their position for personal gain by deliberately misusing an organisation’s resources or assets. According to our research, recently featured in a CBC Sports investigation, the impact...

Strategic Foresight: An Essential Skill for All Boards

February 16, 2021
Rose Mercier, The Governance Coach
This blog focuses on “setting direction,” a key aspect of “gold medal governance.” It is part of a series designed to increase the capacity of sport organizations to effectively govern in an increasingly complex world. Read the first blog, providing...

Strengthening data protection practices through education

January 26, 2021
George Al Koura, ADGA Group Inc.
Data Privacy Day is an international effort held annually on Jan. 28. The purpose is to create awareness about the importance of privacy and protecting personal information and encourages dialogue for organizations about which best practices should be implemented. The...

Five Things You Should Know About the Canadian Anti-Doping Program

January 20, 2021
Megan Cumming, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES)
Anti-doping is often thought to be exclusive to high-performance sport. Athletes are whisked away from the public eye after winning events to have urine and blood collected. It’s true that testing athletes at competitions is an important element of a...

Maximizing Social Learning Spaces in Sport Organizations: A Story about Creating Value

January 11, 2021
Diane Culver and Tiago Duarte, University of Ottawa
The global knowledge society is one in which we can never know everything we will need to know to be successful – something the pandemic has brought into sharp focus. Sport leaders need an agile method capable of gathering knowledge...

Looking Back – 2020 SIRC Content Highlights

December 21, 2020
Although 2020 was a challenging year, it was rich with learnings and silver linings for the Canadian sport and physical activity sector. Featured below are highlights of SIRC’s top content from the last 12 months. Whether you’re looking for insightful...

Pandemic Silver Linings in Canadian Sport

December 10, 2020
SIRC with Derek Johnston
This article is the second in a special series that explores how Canadian sport leaders are adapting and innovating to safeguard the wellbeing of athletes preparing for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and other Major Games during a global...

Navigating COVID-19: A Community Sport Perspective

December 1, 2020
James Anderson, Rocky Point Sailing Association
In the winter of 2020, the Rocky Point Sailing Association (RPSA) in Port Moody, BC was preparing for the upcoming season. RPSA is primarily run by volunteers and employs ten seasonal full-time staff who deliver long-term athlete development (LTAD) programming...

Experts in the House – Q&A with Jill Sadler on Storytelling

November 10, 2020
SIRC and Jill Sadler
The sport landscape is full of great stories. Those working in the field have a unique opportunity to bring those stories to life and tell them in a way that’s compelling and thoughtful. In SIRC’s October 14 Experts in the...

Impact of Climate Change on Professional Athletes: Q&A with Craig McMorris and Geneviève Lalonde

October 14, 2020
Canada Games Council
In December 2019, the Canada Games Council (CGC) signed on to the UN’s Sports for Climate Action Framework and is now developing a new sustainability strategy. To better understand how climate change is impacting Canadian athletes, CGC reached out to...
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