
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Move Her Mind: Creating Inclusive Spaces for Women and Girls

The more we move, the better we feel. In 2022 a global study commissioned by sportswear company ASICS, The State of Mind Index, studied people’s physical activity levels and mental wellbeing across the globe. In their first Move Every Mind Report, not only did ASICS learn that physical activity has a powerful impact on our…

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Showing 161-170 of 828 Results

Mobilizing knowledge into action:  Exploring sport administrators’ and parents’ perceptions  of the quality of youth sport programs

January 23, 2023
Jean Côté
Introduction and context Although young athletes represent the users of youth sports programs, parents are intricately involved in the decision-making process related to their children’s enrollment and registration in such programs. As such, sport administrators must grasp the elements that...

Fostering the fierce inner fan: Self-compassion for women athletes

January 18, 2023
Karissa Johnson and Leah Ferguson
Self-compassion can be a valuable internal resource for women athletes as they navigate the challenges of competitive sport. Self-compassion is related to greater goal progress and effective use of coping strategies, and it benefits the physiological response to stress (Ceccereli...

Promoting health through physical activity and inter-organizational partnerships: the Montreal case

January 16, 2023
Benjamin Branget
Introduction and context  The leading preventable causes of death worldwide (chronic diseases) are usually brought on by a lack of regular physical activity, which can lead to significant health and financial challenges for the individuals and communities. Many municipalities are...

Promoting health through physical activity and inter-organizational partnerships: the Montreal case

January 16, 2023
Benjamin Branget
Introduction and context The leading preventable causes of death worldwide (chronic diseases) are usually induced by a lack of regular physical activity, which leads to significant health and financial challenges for the individuals and communities they afflict. In this regard,...

How personality relates to athlete development

January 11, 2023
Rafael Tedesqui
The development of expertise, defined as the ability to show high level performance with relative consistency, is a complex multi-determined process. In 1993, Ericsson and colleagues proposed that practice is a key piece of this puzzle, based on their seminal...

The development and implementation of a mentoring program for parasport coaches

January 9, 2023
Gordon Bloom
Introduction and context Partnering with a provincial coaching association in Canada, we explored the experiences and perceptions of 15 mentor and 29 mentee coaches who participated in a formal virtual parasport coach mentorship program. Mentor coaches built a virtual relationship...

The importance of remaining physically active while aging to reduce the risk of falls

January 4, 2023
Katelyn Henderson
As we age, our risk of falling increases (World Health Organization, 2021). Our risk of serious injury as the result of a fall also increases (World Health Organization, 2021). Falls can diminish physical function and mobility, particularly among older adults...

Sport participation through the transition from adolescence to adulthood

January 2, 2023
Mathieu Bélanger
Introduction and context Studying factors that contribute to sport participation maintenance in a context where so many people drop out of sports will help develop better strategies and interventions aimed at increasing the number of Canadian sport participants. However, previous...

Sport Information Resource Centre announces it has joined Abuse-Free Sport

December 23, 2022
Canada’s most trusted partner in advancing sport knowledge will continue to provide resources to help prevent maltreatment in sport Dec. 23, 2022 Ottawa – The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement...

SIRC’s 2022 year in review

December 21, 2022
As the year comes to a close, the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) is reflecting on some of its key projects, publications and events over the course of 2022. Here are some of the key highlights: SIRC played a key...

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