
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Move Her Mind: Creating Inclusive Spaces for Women and Girls

The more we move, the better we feel. In 2022 a global study commissioned by sportswear company ASICS, The State of Mind Index, studied people’s physical activity levels and mental wellbeing across the globe. In their first Move Every Mind Report, not only did ASICS learn that physical activity has a powerful impact on our…

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Showing 141-150 of 828 Results

How the sport system can best support lifelong participation in sport

March 13, 2023
Bettina Callary and Bradley Young
Highlights The engagement and retention of adult sport participants is often overlooked within sport systems and organizations that focus predominantly on youth Despite coaches playing a key role in Masters sport, there are no clearly identified pathways into Masters coaching...

Taking a person-first approach to high performance sport in Canada

March 13, 2023
Teddy Katz
Highlights Over the course of 2022, athletes and supporters have consistently raised concerns about maltreatment and lack of transparency in the Canadian sport sector In this SIRCuit article, Teddy Katz explores athlete concerns, as well as changes being made within...

Spotlighting women in sport: Research and practice

March 8, 2023
Caela Fenton
The Government of Canada has committed to reaching gender equity in sport (at all levels) by 2035. Right now, we have a long way to go. Over 90% of Canadian sport media coverage is focused solely on men’s sport (Pegoraro...

The psychology of recovery among endurance athletes

March 6, 2023
Stuart G. Wilson and Bradley W. Young
The development of sport performance takes a lot of hard training, and all that training also takes equal amounts of recovery. Recovery is about restoring performance capability after facing stress in various ways, mentally, physically, and socially (Kellmann et al.,...

The intersectional cost of youth sport participation

March 1, 2023
Bryan Heal, Marika Warner, Quazance Boissoneau and Kendra Kerr
The increasing cost of youth sport participation has long been a concern for parents and policymakers alike. How issues of affordability show up varies depending upon intersectional realities of income, geography, ability, accessibility of appropriate spaces and more. The Maple...

The prospective contribution of sport and active leisure to student academic and psycho-social success from kindergarten to high school 

February 27, 2023
Linda Pagani
Introduction and context Only 8% of school age Canadian students meet the recommended daily goal of ≥ 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Youth mental health problems have doubled over the past two decades. As family life represents a primary vehicle...

How youth athletes can support their own life skill development through sport

February 22, 2023
Mandisa Lau, Corliss Bean and Caroline Hummell
Sports help to develop crucial skills on and off the court, field, or ice. Participating in sports can help youth athletes stay physically healthy, build positive relationships with coaches and other players and learn valuable skills.  While coaches often play...

Nature Games: Traditional Indigenous Games and Environmental Stewardship in Oceania

February 20, 2023
Introduction and Context My project was about understanding the development of environmental stewardship through gameplay in Indigenous societies. The South Pacific has many similarities to Canada in terms of Indigenous-settler relations, colonial histories and a resurgence in reconciliation efforts, and...

Key considerations for Para athlete recovery

February 15, 2023
Sara W. Szabo and Michael D. Kennedy
Para sport has grown substantially in the past decades with increases in athlete participation as well as training intensities and sport performance (Patricios & Webborn, 2021; Fagher et coll., 2016). Yet, there is still limited research to help inform practice,...

Identification of “sleeping” talent in elite ice-hockey using psychological characteristics 

February 13, 2023
Simon Grondin
In sports, some athletes currently under-perform compared to others, but end up excelling later in life, while some who currently perform well, end up under-performing later on. In other words, current performance is not necessarily a good predictor of potential...

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