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Sport Nova Scotia – Halifax, NS – For the first time ever, youth with a disability will be offered a dynamic multi-sport program where, with a single registration, kids learn and participate in seven different sports over an eight-month time period.

“This is a really fun opportunity to try a variety of sports and improve confidence,” says fourteen year-old Caden Flynn of Elmsdale. “I would encourage others to give it a try!”

For a single fee of $100, sessions are every Saturday morning from November 2017 to June 2018.

Endorsed by the IWK, many partners have collaborated to make this possible: Athletics Nova Scotia, Basketball Nova Scotia, Table Tennis Nova Scotia, Easter Seals Nova Scotia, Badminton Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia Curling Association, Canada Games Centre, Lakeshore Curling Club, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, and Sport Nova Scotia.

“It’s already a great story,” says Anitra Stevens with Athletics Nova Scotia. “All these organizations and leaders have come together, each in different ways, to created a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for participants with developmentally appropriate instruction, adapted equipment, facilities and funding.”

The program is ideal for children and youth ages 6-17 with a physical disability and/or mobility aid. Some upper body strength and range of motion is required. The program is accessible for wheelchair and non-wheelchair users.

The goal of the program is to nurture the desire and confidence to be active for life.  Certified sport coaches and recreation leaders will deliver all sessions. Each lesson focuses on developing physical literacy through skill development and fun.


For information or registration please contact:

Ryan Shay

Para Multi-Sport Program Lead


Tel: 902-229-7429