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Move Her Mind: Creating Inclusive Spaces for Women and Girls

The more we move, the better we feel. In 2022 a global study commissioned by sportswear company ASICS, The State of Mind Index, studied people’s physical activity levels and mental wellbeing across the globe. In their first Move Every Mind Report, not only did ASICS learn that physical activity has a powerful impact on our…

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Showing 821-828 of 828 Results

Does protein aid recovery?

December 11, 2012
In recent years, Athletes should be able to get the required amount of protein for their needs by talking to a registered dietitian and altering their diets to match their training. Some good examples of protein to add to your...

Fuel your body for winter

December 6, 2012
This time of year life gets tends to get a little busier and with all the events during the holiday season it’s easy to let Omega 3’s – For those Canadians that suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), nutrition experts...

Walking on pins and needles?

December 4, 2012
Nerves that get stuck and irritated by swollen muscles or ligaments can be a torment to athletes.  The ultimate goal for any athlete experiencing the pain of a pinched nerve is to alleviate any pain or discomfort you are feeling,...

Are you working hard enough?

November 29, 2012
Any periodization training plan requires at least some measurement of work – daily, weekly or monthly.  The challenge occurs when we try to balance work and recovery in the short, medium, and long term.  One way to determine how hard...

Puzzled by Periodization Training?

November 23, 2012
Periodization training is the division of a training year(s) into a cycle of of several phases, each phase devoted to different training methods and objectives.  In it’s most general form, a periodized training program will span 6 months to one...

Share the path

November 20, 2012
If you are lucky enough to have access to multi-use recreational pathways and trails, consider it a wonderful privilege.  Many pathways go through parks and along rivers providing excellent scenery and a great place to be active and enjoy the...

Coaching: How to deal with life’s littlest challenges!

November 14, 2012
Children are encouraged to participate in sport because physical activity and play can be a great outlet to help the body get out excess energy and release endorphins.  Children will test, explore their environment, and act impulsively sometimes but as...

What gets your heart racing?

November 13, 2012
With an abundance of fun tech available, more of us are using a variety of tools to enhance our workouts.  Measuring your heart rate can be useful and is something that a lot of people are incorporating into their training....

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