
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Superstars or a super-team? Building capacity to play like a championship team

What makes a winning team? Is it raw talent, star power, or an overflowing budget? Think again. The most successful teams—on the field or in the office—don’t just rely on superstars. They thrive on balance, leadership, and a collective drive that turns a group of individuals into an unstoppable force. Take the 1972 Miami Dolphins,…

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Showing 331-340 of 764 Results

Cannabis and Sport: Perspectives from a Seat in the Canadian Senate

April 25, 2019
Senator Martha Deacon
Canada’s Olympic history is a decorated one. There have been so many moments of note that we sometimes need reminding of what has transpired as the years pass as the medals pile up. For instance, February 2018 marked twenty years...

Managing the Risk of Athlete Burnout With or Without Early Specialization

April 25, 2019
Dr. Heather Larson
Parents who dream of their children becoming professional athletes, and coaches who believe that single-minded dedication is the only way to reach the top of their sport, have contributed to an increase in early sport specialization. However, there are many...

Gender Equity is Good Governance – Lessons from the Sport Sector

April 25, 2019
Greer Gemin, CAAWS
The gender makeup of sport, and sport leadership, is changing. In 2018, the Government of Canada made it clear that gender equity is a priority for all levels of sport, setting a target to achieve gender equality by 2035. In...

A Positive Environment for Volunteer Coaches: The Role of Psychological Contract

April 25, 2019
Alanna Harman and Alison Doherty
Community sport organizations or clubs are the cornerstone of sport in Canada. A vast majority of these community sport clubs rely almost exclusively on volunteers for their management and program delivery (Cuskelly, Hoye, & Auld, 2006; Doherty, 2005). A threat...

Using app-based technology to influence the physical activity of Canadians

April 24, 2019
Despite the plethora of positive health outcomes associated with regular physical activity, only 18% of Canadian adults currently meet national physical activity guidelines (Statistics Canada, 2017). To help buck this concerning trend, ParticipACTION has developed an app to get Canadians...

Warmth or Competence: Do parents value one more than the other in competitive youth sport coaches?

April 18, 2019
Jordan Sutcliffe, Nipissing University
Competence and warmth are two of the fundamental dimensions which we often judge other people (Kervyn, Bergsieker, & Fiske, 2011). Traits such as friendliness, helpfulness, sincerity, trustworthiness, and morality, all contribute to someone’s perceived warmth (Fiske, Cuddy, & Glick, 2007)....

How the Sport of Ringette is Putting a Values Lens on the Concussion Issue

April 1, 2019
SIRC with Derek Johnston
Every sport organization faces tough decisions around where to channel its limited budget and human resources. “It’s no different in ringette, but we’ve found that by putting our values first, it can actually make decisions easier,” according to Natasha Johnston,...

The Role of Motives in the Transition from Youth Swimming to Masters Swimming

March 27, 2019
Heather Larson, University of Alberta
Masters sport is a great way for adults to have fun and stay active. Dionigi (2015) identified three categories of masters athletes, based on their pathway into masters sport. “Late bloomers” are those who don’t start participating in sport until...

Balance for Better: Gender Equity in Sport Leadership Benefits Everyone

March 8, 2019
Greer Gemin, CAAWS
International Women’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been towards gender equity in sport leadership, but also to remind the sport sector that we still have work to do to ensure that women’s voices and...

Sport Insight: The rule change that revolutionized curling

March 6, 2019
Jean Mills, Curling Canada
SIRC’s Sport Insight series features blogs and articles that examine innovation and evolution in the sport landscape. It started as a practice drill between two brothers and grew into the rule that transformed the sport of curling: the Free Guard...
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