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iS4 – November 4, 2016 – Vancouver – The dynamic foursome of Christine Sinclair, Karina LeBlanc, Rhian Wilkinson and Diana Matheson fresh off an exciting launch of their new business venture iS4, which stands for I Strive Four, are excited to empower and inspire sport leaders at the Coaching Association of Canada’s (CAC) annual Sport Leadership Summit, held this year in Richmond, B.C.

The iS4 team will be presenting in front of 500 sport administrators, coaches, and athletes on Saturday morning where they will be sharing what they have come to learn about synergy, leadership, resilience and empowerment. “Connecting with other leaders who are at the top of their game in their sport is both humbling and inspiring,” noted Sinclair, who was shortlisted yesterday as one of the 10 FIFA women’s player of the year. “As a team player, you learn quickly that you can’t do it alone which means you need to acknowledge your strengths and your limitations. Being open about your vulnerabilities can create a powerful connection with your teammates which is needed in critical moments like the Olympics or the World Cup. This message is the same one we share with business leaders and the response to date is ‘We need more of what the four of you have to offer,’ which is great news to us.”

On Sunday, the iS4 team will be connecting with young Olympians and Olympic hopefuls as part of the CAC’s Fueling Athletes and Coaching Excellence (FACE) program. Their message of dreaming big and striving high will resonate with the handful of aspiring podium bound athletes. “We feel so grateful to be able to translate the life lessons we have acquired on the field to the next generation of Olympians and medalists,” shared LeBlanc. “For us, being the best version of yourself means setting big goals, surrounding yourself with others who believe in you, and working hard every day to make it happen.”

Sound simple? “The reality is that most people fail because they fail to plan. We have approached our dream of creating a company with the same diligence and careful planning as we have in preparing for big competitions. It takes dedication, perseverance and relentlessness to not give up when it gets hard. The four of us have learned over the years to harness our failures as golden opportunities to learn. That is what makes our message relevant to not only sport leaders but executives of blue chip companies,” stated Matheson.

As for what’s next, the iS4 team has embarked on a strategic planning journey to identify their big goals over the foreseeable future. “We know that we need to walk the talk when it comes to executing on our promise of empowering individuals to dream big and strive high,” shared Wilkinson. “I feel so privileged to work alongside such powerful, confident and inspiring women and I know that what we have to offer will make a positive impact on the lives of the youth we meet and the executives we connect with. Our future is certainly looking bright.”

iS4’s mission is to empower others through speaking engagements, workshops, team building and soccer camps. To learn more about what they can offer your organization or to book a session, please visit


For more information, please contact Dina Bell-Laroche, Sport Law & Strategy Group at 613-294-4118.