Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 151-160 of 409 Results

Specialization in Youth

October 23, 2023
Growing up many youth athletes goals and aspirations are to be professional or high performance athletes later in life. This fixation on wanting to be high performance often leads them to want to specialize in sport as early as possible. However, a recent study suggests that to maximize athletic development youth under 12 should avoid...

Motor Learning

October 20, 2023
Motor learning is the process of acquiring and refining new skills like movements and strategy through practice. By understanding the principles of motor learning, coaches can create an environment where athletes can learn and develop their skills more effectively. This SIRC blog gives a brief explanation of 2 motor learning concepts and provides examples on...

Helping Injured Athletes Recover

October 16, 2023
Injury is an unfortunate part of sport that many athletes will have to deal with during their time participating and competing. Often when assisting athletes recover from injury it is common for the focus to solely be on the injured athlete instead of the larger team. This SIRC blog dives into how injury recovery using...

International Day of the Girl

October 11, 2023
Creating a positive social environment that intentionally fosters a sense of belonging is integral to the retention of girls in sport and physical activity. This resource is designed for coaches who are ready to intentionally support equitable sport.  She Belongs offers practical recommendations to create social connection and better engage girls in the Learn to...

Creating welcoming, equitable spaces for new Canadians in sport

October 6, 2023
Sport can help to promote physical and mental health, build social connections and support integration into Canadian communities among newcomers to Canada. However, research shows that newcomers face unique barriers to sport participation, including cost, transportation, language, access to information, racism and religious or cultural considerations. In this article, newcomers in participant, parent, and coaching...

The physical and mental health benefits of youth athletics

October 4, 2023
Throughout youth a key part of childhood for many people has been sports. Sports are a key part of the schooling experience and create an opportunity for play and have many positive mental and physical benefits. A recent study shows that school athletes often reported higher academic achievement, decreased levels of anxiety and depression, and...

The impact of maltreatment in sport on social wellbeing of athletes

October 3, 2023
Maltreatment in the sport industry is an ongoing issue that has many negative social implications. According to research, athletes that have experienced maltreatment within their sport have long-term attachment issues, a higher risk of experiencing violence and victimization with other relationships and have a harder time developing positive social relationships. It’s important to recognize the...

Sleep in athletes

September 28, 2023
Sleep is a basic and common biological activity in human beings. Sleep is vital for recovery or replenishments of energy loss during daily functional activities. This is especially true in athletes that physically exert themselves regularly. A recent study shows that lack of sleep in athletes can predispose them to chronic injury and hinder sports...

Impact of Emotion on Sport

September 25, 2023
Emotions can communicate a lot of information about a person’s thoughts and intentions without verbally saying anything. In a sport setting these emotions can rub off on others whether that be teammates or viewers. This blog details why it is important to manage emotions during sport and strategies surrounding emotional control.

Taking a person-first approach to high performance sport in Canada

September 22, 2023
At the Canada Summer Games 2022 in Niagara, an event for up-and-coming athletes, the power of sport to transform lives was on full display with stories that showcased the pure joy, excitement and fun sport can offer. Teenage wrestler Eekeeluak Avalak became Nunavut’s first ever gold medalist in the Games and an emotional video clip...
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