Knowledge Nuggets

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Meat consumption and recovery

March 25, 2025
Physical activity is essential for maintaining health, but intense training can result in immune dysfunction and muscle damage. Recent research points to meat as a potent recovery aid, rich in bioactive compounds that support muscle repair and optimize performance.

Snow sport injuries

March 24, 2025
Did you know that professional skiing and snowboarding has an injury incidence rate of 3.49 injuries per 1000 days? Among these injuries, lower extremity injuries are most prevalent, with freestyle skiing exhibiting the highest risk at an alarming 6.83 injuries per 1000 days.

Reducing waste at sporting events

March 21, 2025
As the demand for greener practices in sports events grows, new solutions are emerging to tackle environmental challenges. This innovative approach boosts recycling, slashes landfill waste, and proves that major sports events can be both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Creatine supplementation in athletes

March 20, 2025
Creatine, a popular supplement among athletes, enhances the body’s natural ATP production, improving performance during high-intensity exercises. It also promotes post-exercise recovery and may aid in rehabilitation after injury.

Youth sport injury research

March 19, 2025
Despite strong research and injury prevention programs, injury rates in youth sports remain high. One major issue is that these programs often rely on single-discipline knowledge, missing the complex nature of sport injuries. This study highlights the need for interdisciplinary research, to create more effective injury prevention strategies.

Vegetarian diets vs omnivorous diets for athletes

March 18, 2025
Despite dietary differences, vegetarian and omnivorous athletes perform similarly, though vegetarians consume more carbs and less protein and fat. For optimal performance, personalized nutrition is crucial, regardless of diet.

Goal setting and sport performance

March 17, 2025
Process goals, centered on specific actions and strategies such as improving technique or maintaining mental focus, have shown to boost sports performance and self-efficacy more effectively than performance and outcome-based goals.

Psychosocial factors in return to sport post concussion

March 14, 2025
After a concussion, athletes can experience psychosocial challenges like fear (of re-injury, returning to play, or losing status) and emotional challenges (such as depression and anxiety) that may influence when they feel ready to return to play. Supporting athletes during this time is important for ensuring they don’t feel pressure to return before they are...

Exercising after a concussion

March 13, 2025
It used to be that after a concussion, athletes were encouraged to rest until they no longer had any symptoms, but this is no longer the case. Research continues to highlight that returning to safe physical activity in the first few days after a concussion can reduce a person’s chances of experiencing prolonged concussion symptoms.

Taking a team approach to concussion care

March 12, 2025
When it comes to concussion care, a team approach can be very helpful. Research shows that children and youth who receive interdisciplinary care, meaning care from health practitioners with different specialties, early on in their recovery tend to have better outcomes. The takeaway is that referring athletes to the proper care is key!

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