
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Superstars or a super-team? Building capacity to play like a championship team

What makes a winning team? Is it raw talent, star power, or an overflowing budget? Think again. The most successful teams—on the field or in the office—don’t just rely on superstars. They thrive on balance, leadership, and a collective drive that turns a group of individuals into an unstoppable force. Take the 1972 Miami Dolphins,…

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Showing 341-350 of 764 Results

Resolving Conflict: The Power of Dialogue and Authentic Apology

February 27, 2019
Claire Carver-Dias, Clearday Communications
Healthy conflict is an important part of productive work relationships, but the moment that conflict morphs into something more insidious, issues ensue. In the world of sport we often praise a win-at-all-costs approach to any challenge. When a prospective opponent...

Athlete Perspective: How to manage social media during competition

February 19, 2019
Lisa Weagle, Olympian
SIRC’s Athlete Perspective series provides insight and recommendations on key issues from an athlete’s perspective. The collection of blogs and SIRCuit articles profiles Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes and taps into their lived experience. While social media can have many...

Teaching Life Skills Through Sport

February 13, 2019
Sara Kramers & Corliss Bean
This blog is the second in a series by the authors on positive youth development in sport. If this is your first visit to this series, considering taking a few minutes to read the other two posts: Tips on How...

Investing in Leaders is Smart Risk Management Strategy

February 8, 2019
Dina Bell-Laroche, Sport Law & Strategy Group
The Sport Leaders Retreat is a “leadership development boot camp” for sport leaders from provincial/territorial, national and multi-sport organizations. Hosted by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and the Sport Law & Strategy Group, the program is designed to...

We Need to Talk about Mental Health

January 30, 2019
Audrey Lacroix, Game Plan
Life as a high-level athlete has its ups and downs. There is success and failure, stress, pressure, endless doubts, injuries, days where you are surrounded by people and others where you are completely by yourself. It’s a train of emotions,...

Why Transgender Eligibility Policies Aren’t Enough

January 22, 2019
Sarah Teetzel
In releasing its transgender inclusion policy in September 2018, U Sports joined an ever-increasing list of organizations, from the community to international levels, that have implemented policies to regulate the inclusion of athletes who identify as transgender. Organizations with trans...

Coming of Age With Relative Age Research: Origins, Consequences, and Potential Solutions

January 22, 2019
Laura Chittle, Jess C. Dixon, Sean Horton, and Joe Baker
On October 17, 2018, Relative Age Effects: An International Conference was hosted at York University where leading international scholars gathered to discuss the implications of athletes’ dates of birth on sport, health, and education. This article highlights the history of...

Changing the Culture of Hazing in Canada

January 22, 2019
Dr. Jay Johnson and Dr. Margery Holman
Allegations emerging in media reports from Toronto’s St. Michael’s College in the fall of 2018 have made hazing top of mind for athletic staff at Canada’s secondary and post-secondary education institutions. Unfortunately, it is not an isolated event. Reports of...

Balancing Psychological Load: New Perspectives on Recovery

January 22, 2019
Stuart Wilson, Joe Baker, and Nick Wattie
Current views on recovery Recent research by Nash and Sproule (2018) asked coaches for their views on recovery in training. While recovery was widely understood as crucially important, results revealed that few coaches think about psychological and cognitive recovery with...

Creating a Values-Based Sport System in Canada

January 22, 2019
Alison Jones and Michael McLenaghen
Across playing fields, courts and ice rinks in Canada, demands for improvements in the quality of the sport experience are growing. While sport has long been celebrated for its role in developing the character of our nation, stories shared in...
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