
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Move Her Mind: Creating Inclusive Spaces for Women and Girls

The more we move, the better we feel. In 2022 a global study commissioned by sportswear company ASICS, The State of Mind Index, studied people’s physical activity levels and mental wellbeing across the globe. In their first Move Every Mind Report, not only did ASICS learn that physical activity has a powerful impact on our…

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Showing 281-290 of 818 Results

Strengthening data protection practices through education

January 26, 2021
George Al Koura, ADGA Group Inc.
Data Privacy Day is an international effort held annually on Jan. 28. The purpose is to create awareness about the importance of privacy and protecting personal information and encourages dialogue for organizations about which best practices should be implemented. The...

Five Things You Should Know About the Canadian Anti-Doping Program

January 20, 2021
Megan Cumming, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES)
Anti-doping is often thought to be exclusive to high-performance sport. Athletes are whisked away from the public eye after winning events to have urine and blood collected. It’s true that testing athletes at competitions is an important element of a...

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport: What Coaches Need to Know

January 11, 2021
Megan Kuikman, Registered Dietitian
Mary Cain, a former record-breaking phenom, made a different type of headline when she spoke up about the pressure she faced to lose weight that caused her to disappear from the running scene (Cain, 2019). Cain’s willingness to speak up...

Maximizing Social Learning Spaces in Sport Organizations: A Story about Creating Value

January 11, 2021
Diane Culver and Tiago Duarte, University of Ottawa
The global knowledge society is one in which we can never know everything we will need to know to be successful – something the pandemic has brought into sharp focus. Sport leaders need an agile method capable of gathering knowledge...

Giving Due Deliberation to Masters Athletes: The Time has Come

January 11, 2021
Bradley Young, Scott Rathwell, and Bettina Callary
Paradoxically, Masters sport is equally celebrated and ignored. Masters athletes are celebrated because they are motivated, goal-oriented, and determined to thrive at ages when sport participation has traditionally waned – they defeat stereotypes and allow us to rethink possibilities. Yet...

Self-Compassion in Sport 101

January 11, 2021
Nathan Reis, Kent Kowalski, Amber Mosewich, and Leah Ferguson
If you have been involved in the coaching or administrative side of competitive sport, chances are you have seen athletes experience emotionally difficult setbacks. These setbacks can range from devastating performance failures (e.g., “choking” during an important competition), to facing...

Supporting Podium Dreams – Paralympian Search and RBC Training Ground

January 11, 2021
Sydney Millar, SIRC
To support the identification and development of future Olympians and Paralympians, two Canadian programs have been developed to fuel the Canadian pipeline of future hopefuls. RBC Training Ground and the Canadian Paralympic Committee’s Paralympian Search are athlete identification programs designed...

Tips to engage adults with intellectual and developmental disability in sport and physical activity

January 5, 2021
Jordan Deneau, Suzanne Ali, Chad Sutherland, Nadia Azar, and Sean Horton
Exercise leads to many benefits for individuals with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD), including those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These include improved physical and mental health, increased community engagement, and, amongst individuals with ASD, a decrease in repetitive...

Looking Back – 2020 SIRC Content Highlights

December 21, 2020
Although 2020 was a challenging year, it was rich with learnings and silver linings for the Canadian sport and physical activity sector. Featured below are highlights of SIRC’s top content from the last 12 months. Whether you’re looking for insightful...

Community parasport – The experiences of female youth

December 15, 2020
Mikaeli Cavell, Nick Wattie, and Meghann Lloyd
The upcoming Tokyo Paralympics will be an opportunity to inspire the next generation of Canadian Paralympians. However, without strong development pathways, young Canadians may not have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. An important first step along any development pathway...

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