
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Superstars or a super-team? Building capacity to play like a championship team

What makes a winning team? Is it raw talent, star power, or an overflowing budget? Think again. The most successful teams—on the field or in the office—don’t just rely on superstars. They thrive on balance, leadership, and a collective drive that turns a group of individuals into an unstoppable force. Take the 1972 Miami Dolphins,…

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Showing 11-20 of 20 Results

Community parasport – The experiences of female youth

December 15, 2020
Mikaeli Cavell, Nick Wattie, and Meghann Lloyd
The upcoming Tokyo Paralympics will be an opportunity to inspire the next generation of Canadian Paralympians. However, without strong development pathways, young Canadians may not have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. An important first step along any development pathway...

Becoming Para Ready

August 12, 2020
Jessica Ferguson and Tim Konoval
In 2017, 6.2 million Canadians reported having a disability and it was estimated that only 3% of those individuals engaged in regular organized physical activity (Statistics Canada, 2017; Government of Canada, 2012). Of the often-limited opportunities available, individuals experiencing disability...

Creating Inclusive Workplaces in Sport and Physical Activity

April 9, 2020
Peter Morrow, SIRC
According to the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability, one in five Canadians (6.2 million) aged 15 years and older experience one or more disabilities that limited them in their daily activities. The Survey also reported that while 59% of working...

Increasing Distinction in Para Sport Event Management

November 6, 2019
Dr. Laura Misener, Western University
The concept of “inclusion” is pervasive in the current sport environment, with organizations from the community to international levels considering how to ensure all individuals have access and opportunity to participate. Generally, inclusion means that all people, regardless of their...

Addressing Under-reporting of Concussion in Para Sport

August 14, 2019
Peter Morrow, SIRC
Given the high-impact nature of many Para sports, concussions may seem like an inevitability. According to Dr. Andy Marshall, Chief Medical Officer of the Canadian Parapan Am and Paralympic Team, stronger data has elevated the national dialogue around this fact...

Is Accessibility Enough? How to Create Quality Experiences in Parasport

July 18, 2019
Veronica Allan, York University
In 2006, the United Nations endorsed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) — a landmark convention that protects the right to participation in variety of social domains, including sport activities, venues, and services.  The CRPD has...

Leveraging Parasport Events for Sustainable Community Participation

October 3, 2017
The aim of this project was to examine how the hosting of different forms of sport events for persons with disabilities were being leveraged to create opportunities for community participation, and influence community attitudes towards disability. Research on events demonstrates...


April 12, 2017
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARALYMPIC ATHLETES IN...


December 9, 2015
SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining CANADIAN PARALYMPIC COACH PERCEPTION OF TEAM...

Bridging the Gap Between Seniors and Recreational Sport and Fitness Programs

December 16, 2014
Seniors may be overlooked when thinking about adding diversity to your sports and fitness programs when the fact is that many seniors share the same barriers when facing sport participation. Community recreation and sport programs can be great for older...
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