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Indigenous Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Council of BC – The BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society (BCAHL) is looking for assistance with a needs assessment survey that will help improve equity, inclusion and accessibility policies for physical activity in British Columbia. This survey seeks to identify existing and emerging equity/inclusion/accessibility policies or documents that guide work in organizations and ask stakeholders about what supports they need to develop or implement them.

As a member of the Indigenous sport community in BC, ISPARC is encouraging you to take the time to complete this survey. Your valuable input will contribute to future policy development activities in BC.

This survey is being implemented on behalf of the BC Physical Activity and Health Collaborative which is a network of organizations that are involved in the advancement of physical activity in the province of British Columbia and are committed to meeting the goals outlined in the BC Active People, Active Places Physical Activity Strategy.
The survey can be accessed at PA Health Collaborative Physical Activity Policy Needs Assessment Survey and will be open until April 13, 2018.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sue Cragg at

This newsletter comes to you from the of the Indigenous Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Council of BC.