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PISE – (Victoria, BC – September 16, 2016) Coaches Week will be celebrated across B.C. from September 17-25, in a province-wide and national campaign dedicated to celebrating the integral roles coaches play in shaping communities and the lives of children and athletes.


Through the support of viaSport British Columbia, a number of coaching workshops have been planned for the upcoming week at PISE, including opportunities to learn more about effective teaching and coaching methods, nutrition, ethical decision making and fundamental movement skills, a course appropriate for educators, parents and coaches.


“Coaches Week is a time to celebrate the tireless efforts of coaches who dedicate their lives to making sport a great experience for all of us,” says Robert Bettauer, CEO of PISE. “From children stepping on to a field for the first time to athletes standing on the podium at the Olympics, coaches hold the power to enable, inspire and equip athletes for success.”


Twenty-three per cent of coaches who helped form Team Canada for the Olympics and Paralympics this year hailed from B.C. These coaches represent the head and heart behind some of Canada’s biggest success stories out of Rio. As we congratulate these coaches for helping their athletes reach the highest level of achievement, it is also the time to celebrate coaches at the community level who impact the lives of children across the province.


 “At viaSport we truly believe that coaches have the potential to not only build great athletes, but exceptional human beings,” says Sheila Bouman, CEO of viaSport. “Coaches Week is our opportunity to recognize all those coaches whose dedication helps our children thrive through sport.”


Quick Facts:

  • PISE is offering NCCP Coaching Courses in honour of Coaches Week for only $10 per course.
  • Each year the Province, through viaSport, contributes approximately $100,000 through grants to coaches in B.C.
  • viaSport and its sport partners train approximately 10,000 coaches across B.C. each year through National Coaching Certification Programs.
  • viaSport is the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative (PTCR) for British Columbia and maintains a strong partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada.
  • Coaches Week in BC has been an annual event since 2007, and this year will align with National Coaches Week across Canada.



For more information contact:


PISE (Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence)
Stacey Lund

cell: 250-812-3388


viaSport British Columbia

Kelly Aldinger




About PISE (Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence)

PISE is a world class sport institute and an independent not-for-profit organization located in Victoria on the Camosun College campus on Interurban Road. As a legacy of the 1994 Commonwealth Games, PISE brings together excellence in community sport and active healthy living development, sport and exercise education, sport technology research, and world-class athlete performance services. PISE, in collaboration with its partners the Canadian Sport Institute and Camosun College, serves the community, students, Canadian international high performance athletes and coaches from across the region, province and country within a state-of-the-art facility and throughout the CRD region.


About viaSport British Columbia


viaSport British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization created by the Provincial Government in 2011 as a legacy of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Their mandate is to increase awareness, opportunity and participation in sport across the province – at every stage of life and in every community. By leading the province’s sport sector in building a stronger, more effective system, viaSport will bring more families to the field of play, more fans into the stands, more athletes to the podium, and more sports events to the province. Learn more at