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Athletics Canada – Athletics Canada today announced changes to its high performance structure, relieving Peter Eriksson, Chief Technical Officer and Head Coach, of his duties. The decision comes on the heels of Athletics Canada’s largest and most thorough organizational review.
The review included both an anonymous online survey and more than 120 in person or over the phone interviews with staff, provincial branch members, athletes, coaches, sponsors and other stakeholders. The review committee, tasked by the Board of Directors, was asked to use the results of the report to make recommendations to the Board.
“This decision was necessary to ensure sustainable international success,” said Rob Guy, Athletics Canada’s Chief Executive Officer. “On behalf of Athletics Canada I would like to thank Peter for his dedication and contributions that helped Canada achieve international success. However, through the report it was felt that a change in leadership style was needed in the high performance area.”
In the interim, the high performance team will report to the CEO. Added Guy, “We want to talk to the team that’s in place and evaluate what type of role is needed to oversee the high performance program and to build upon our success. Overall, the high performance plan does not change. We will however review policies and procedures.”
Media conference call 
Rob Guy, Athletics Canada’s Chief Executive Officer, will be available for comment today at 2:30 p.m. EST. Members of the media who would like to join this call are asked to contact Jim McDannald:  
For more information and media inquiries:
Mathieu Gentès
Director, Public Relations and Corporate Services
Athletics Canada
613 260 5580 ext. 3303