Knowledge Nuggets

SIRC’s Knowledge Nuggets provide a daily source of insight, leveraging the latest in research findings, promising practices, relevant news and practical resources.

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Showing 411-414 of 414 Results

Healing an Injured Athlete’s Mind

May 1, 2017
Most athletes, competitive through recreational, experience injury in their sport at some time. There are many practitioners out there who can help heal the physical symptoms of the injury from the family doctor to the physical therapist. But dealing with the physical side of injury is only half the battle. What we cannot forget to address...

Attention Training

April 24, 2017
The goal of many young athletes is to pursue elite sport at the senior level; to achieve that dream of excellence in sport. There are demands from outside environment like school, family, peers and other elements of life that place stress on the young athlete. All these different factors play on the mind of the...

Injury Patterns

March 31, 2017
Recent research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recommends that “young athletes should not specialize in sports before age 12, train more hours per week then their age, and should limit training to less than 16 hours per week to avoid injury”. The study analysed training patterns in over 1,200 athletes over 3...

Nutritional Plan

March 29, 2017
Knowing what to eat and when to eat for sports can seem like a science. When plotting your nutritional plan, it’s important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every athlete and sport is going to require individual tweaks to find a nutrition plan that works best for them. Don’t let all the information...
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