
SIRC articles provide evidence-based and actionable insights from sport researchers, athletes, coaches, sport organizations and thought leaders to advance sport in Canada.

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Cirque du Soleil: Bridging the gap between athletes and artists

Cirque du Soleil is renowned for its breathtaking performances, combining artistry, athleticism, and storytelling to create unparalleled spectacles. But how does this world-class organization find and transform its talent? André Lachance, Senior Director Casting and Artist Contract Management at Cirque du Soleil, shared insights into the fascinating process of talent acquisition and development, where elite…

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Showing 31-40 of 64 Results

Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

December 3, 2019
Veronica Allan, York University
Engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and limiting time spent inactive are well known and evidence-based prescriptions for the promotion of overall health and well-being(Tremblay et al., 2016). In fact, the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) — which...

Tennis Canada’s Covered Courts Program – Driven By Data

November 6, 2019
Valerie Tetreault
Tennis Canada’s mission is to lead the growth of the sport in the country. That mission can only be accomplished with more individuals playing more tennis more frequently. However, to increase participation rates, one important barrier needs to be addressed...

Increasing Distinction in Para Sport Event Management

November 6, 2019
Dr. Laura Misener, Western University
The concept of “inclusion” is pervasive in the current sport environment, with organizations from the community to international levels considering how to ensure all individuals have access and opportunity to participate. Generally, inclusion means that all people, regardless of their...

Reconciliation as a Social Legacy of the 2020 Arctic Winter Games

August 21, 2019
Echo Ross, 2020 Arctic Winter Games
This is the second blog in a series leading up to the 2020 Arctic Winter Games that will be hosted by Whitehorse, YT March 15-21, 2020. Check out the first blog, about the development of the Games. Watch for the next...

Is Accessibility Enough? How to Create Quality Experiences in Parasport

July 18, 2019
Veronica Allan, York University
In 2006, the United Nations endorsed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) — a landmark convention that protects the right to participation in variety of social domains, including sport activities, venues, and services.  The CRPD has...

2020 Arctic Winter Games: How Uneven Competition Led to Significant Change in Northern Sport Development

June 21, 2019
Echo Ross, 2020 Arctic Winter Games
This is the first blog in a series leading up to the 2020 Arctic Winter Games that will be hosted by Whitehorse, YT March 15-21, 2020. Subsequent blogs will focus on the logistical challenges of hosting in a smaller centre,...

Putting “Inclusion” into Practice for our LGBTQI2S Community

May 17, 2019
Aaron Bruce, Canada Games Council
Like many sport organizations across Canada, the Canada Games Council (CGC) has recognized inclusion as a core value within its strategic plan, but what does that really mean in practice? For the CGC, inclusion includes policies, procedures and programs focused...

Gender Equity is Good Governance – Lessons from the Sport Sector

April 25, 2019
Greer Gemin, CAAWS
The gender makeup of sport, and sport leadership, is changing. In 2018, the Government of Canada made it clear that gender equity is a priority for all levels of sport, setting a target to achieve gender equality by 2035. In...

Why Transgender Eligibility Policies Aren’t Enough

January 22, 2019
Sarah Teetzel
In releasing its transgender inclusion policy in September 2018, U Sports joined an ever-increasing list of organizations, from the community to international levels, that have implemented policies to regulate the inclusion of athletes who identify as transgender. Organizations with trans...

Creating a Values-Based Sport System in Canada

January 22, 2019
Alison Jones and Michael McLenaghen
Across playing fields, courts and ice rinks in Canada, demands for improvements in the quality of the sport experience are growing. While sport has long been celebrated for its role in developing the character of our nation, stories shared in...
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