Use double quotes to find documents that include the exact phrase: "aerodynamic AND testing"

Softball Ontario – How are you Changing the Game? 

Changing the Game – Changing the Conversation is a signature program of Ontario150 to RECRUIT, DEVELOP, & SUPPORT 250 Ontario female coaches along a learning pathway. 

The CAO is excited to announce that applications are NOW OPEN for this exciting project to enhance female leadership in sport!

Apply NOW to ignite a spark, plant a seed and be part of the opportunity for more women to become coaches and “difference makers” in sport. 

PSO’s can sign up to be a change agent and help spread the word to your coaches and clubs about how they can help Change the Game and Change the Conversation. 

For more information visit


Softball Ontario

85 Scarsdale Road, Suite 301

Toronto, On M3B2R2
