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Motivate Canada – Ottawa (ON) September 14, 2016 – Leading, Educating, Active Females (LEAF), funded by the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund will bring together and support females using Motivate Canada’s YDD framework.  Using peer role modeling to support females in a process of self-discovery through leadership, education, mentorship and physical activity, the program builds confidence and enhances capacity to create and implement health-focused community action projects for girls across all four ministry regions, including Aboriginal communities.

“I’m very excited about the investment our government is making in community programming across Ontario. Through the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund, we’re supporting our partners at the local, regional and provincial level to effectively promote healthy, active living for people of all ages and abilities.”
— Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

This new project will also focus on removing barriers to community-level sport, recreation and physical activity that align with the Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD). For this project, particular attention will be given to cultural awareness and sensitivities, acceptance, and equality given the target population. The application process is now open to become one of twelve Youth Leaders with the program

 “The female physical literacy project is a very rewarding and important project that has taken place across Ontario. Being a part of the program and mentoring our community champions has been the most rewarding as we have watched not only their knowledge of physical literacy and its importance to young girls and women but also having witnessed their leadership and self confidence flourish. Our program was able to teach women and girls or all ages fundamental movement skills that are not only essential in playing sports or working out but also in moving ones body in everyday life. Knowing how to move is an important life skill that prevents injury, builds confidence and promotes physical activity to those who did not have the confidence to do so before.

Since our project has finished our community champions are taking over our group to continue promoting physical activity and literacy to women and girls across the city. The program will continue to expand past its initial time frame and continue to be past down to other generations to ensure women and girls in our community continue to build confidence and get their bodies moving.” – Meaghan Marton, Facilitator

About Motivate Canada:

Motivate Canada’s Youth-Driven Development approach taps into the natural optimism, energy, curiosity, and adventurous spirit that young people have in abundance. Using the power of sport, physical activity and positive peer role models, Motivate Canada’s four core programs— GEN7, ESTEEM Team, ACTIVATE and Clean Air Champions—give young people the tools, training, and confidence to make a difference in their lives and communities on their own terms. For more information please visit:


For more information, contact:

Lindsay Done
Ontario Manager
Motivate Canada
613-789-3333 ext. 230