Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 331-340 of 367 Results

Physical Activity Apps

May 3, 2019
When many of us are trying to put down our phones and get off the couch, why did ParticipACTION create a mobile app? With over 88% of Canadians subscribing to cell service, the opportunity to directly influence the health behaviours of Canadians was too good to pass up! Get the inside scoop on the development...

Outdoor Play Myths

May 2, 2019
Fear of injury and kidnapping, and a belief in the superiority of structured activities, have reduced the amount of time children engage in outdoor unstructured play. This infographic provides the evidence to debunk these common myths that are keeping kids at home on the couch, instead of outside playing.

Bystander Effect

April 24, 2019
Whether relating to abuse and harassment, or systemic doping, you may wonder how some issues remain open secrets in organizations where multiple stakeholders know about a problem or a concern, but no one publicly brings it up. Research reported in the Harvard Business Review describes a “bystander effect” whereby people stand on the sidelines as...

Exercise and the Immune System

April 23, 2019
The immune system declines by about 2-3% a year from our 20s, which is why older people are more susceptible to infections, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. However, research from the United Kingdom has found that high levels of physical activity can stall the shrinking of the thymus gland. The thymus gland produces T...

Concussion Blog – Ringette

April 17, 2019
For ringette, putting a values lens on the issue of concussions made decision-making simpler – preventing concussions as much as possible and ensuring athletes recover properly are priorities. When pressure to return to play comes from athletes not wanting to miss out, or parents pushing to have their child back on the ice, clear protocols...

Benefits of Play

April 11, 2019
Parents and other adults can place restrictions on the unstructured play of children, reducing child independence and limiting them to “boring” play spaces. Increasing access to outdoor, unstructured play promotes physical and mental health; improves social skills, creativity and team work; improves learning and attention at school; and improves resilience and risk management skills. Download...

Technique errors in runners

April 9, 2019
Shin splints, runners’ knee, iliotibial (IT) band pain, and Achilles tendinopathy are common injuries experienced by runners. Research suggests that many of these injuries are the result of simple technique errors. Using 3D infrared cameras, researchers identified common biomechanical patterns, such as side to side pelvis drop and greater forward lean, were more likely to...

Mindful Eating

April 8, 2019
Healthy eating is about more than just the foods you eat. Being mindful of your eating habits means being aware of what you eat, why you eat, how you eat, and how much you eat. Mindful eating can help you make healthier choices, and reconnect you to the eating experience.

Compression stockings

April 3, 2019
Designed to apply pressure to the lower legs and enhance blood circulation, compression stockings are a relatively new technology in sport performance. A study measuring agility and lower limb muscular endurance amongst female athletes after a soccer match found the compression tights reduced fatigue-related muscle damage. This suggests compressing stockings could provide a significant performance...

Lack of Sleep

April 2, 2019
Lack of sleep is associated with numerous physical and psychological health risks. Healthy sleep habits include making sleep a priority, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and setting the stage for sleep by creating a comfortable environment and limiting distractions from noise and light immediately before bed (including electronic devices!).
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