Knowledge Nuggets

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Showing 151-160 of 532 Results

Supporting racialized young women athletes in Canada

January 16, 2024
Research on racialized young women athletes in Canada reveals that they encounter hurdles due to their intersecting identities and discrimination. Embracing diversity and acknowledging their various identities are essential to enhance their sports experiences. It is imperative that sports organizations revamp their approaches to better support these athletes by combating discrimination and stereotypes while advocating...

Quality over quantity

January 15, 2024
Positive experiences, such as belonging and mastery in sports and exercise, have a greater impact on the well-being of adults with physical disabilities than their time spent in sport. This study highlighted the importance of creating inclusive, engaging environments and considering social and environmental factors for holistic well-being enhancement in this population

Moving for your mood

January 9, 2024
Ever heard of, or felt, “runner’s high”– that short but relaxing moment of joy some people feel after exercising? Wondering why this phenomenon happens? Dive into the exciting world of endorphins and learn natural ways to boost them. Read ParticipACTION’s blog, Endorphins and exercise 101: Exposing the mysterious link between them.

Reducing Waste in Sport

January 8, 2024
As we learn more about the environment and look for ways to keep the Earth clean, we look to reduce the waste that we create. No matter who you are in the sport sector, whether it be an athlete, parent, coach, or administrator, changes can be made to reduce environmental footprint. This blog provides information...

Supporting athletes’ mental health through tailored interventions

December 22, 2023
High performance athletes confront a myriad of mental health challenges throughout their career. According to a multi-societal consensus statement, these challenges vary across distinct phases of the Olympic/Paralympics journey, encompassing the pre-, during-, and post-Games. This underscores the need for heightened mental health awareness as well as tailored support within each phase of the quadrennium...

Rest and injury

December 21, 2023
Rest and sleep are key parts of maintaining physical health and recovering from potential injuries. This is true even outside of competition season. A recent study, done on preseason rugby athletes, found that longer sleep duration during the preseason may assist in enhancing physical qualities including aerobic capacity and body composition.

Sport and belonging Special Olympics

December 20, 2023
To better understand belonging through sport in individuals with intellectual disabilities, the Sport and Belonging team interviewed twenty Special Olympics athletes and identified three themes that the athletes spoke to: (1) support from allies, (2) being part of the team, and (3) opportunities to discover and develop interests.

Hydration and performance

December 19, 2023
There are many factors that can contribute to sport performance such as hydration, energy levels and more. One of the less considered factors is temperature and weather. A recent study finds that for every degree of weather difference, from optimal temperatures of 10°C to 17.5°C, performance in endurance running declined by 0.3% to 0.4%.

Exercise and mental health

December 18, 2023
To ensure we stay healthy it is important we take care of our mental health. Often when feeling down it can be difficult to motivate yourself to exercise. However, recent research shows that even light to moderate level physical activity will lead to higher levels of perceived happiness and self perceived health leading to overall...

Exercise and Sleep

December 15, 2023
Exercise is a key factor in maintenance of good sleep quality. A recent study highlights that a sufficient amount of moderate – to high-intensity exercise can improve the quality of sleep and prevent insomnia. However, physical activity in the late evening may lower melatonin levels and negatively impact sleep.

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