Creativity in Sport
New research is examining how creativity can influence decision-making in sport. Analysis of professional and semi-professional soccer players revealed higher-creative players made quicker tactical decisions on the field, and displayed an enhanced focus that prevented them from missing key information during the game.
Concussion Management
The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport requires athletes returning to sport after a concussion to be assessed by a medical doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse. However, timely appointments can be hard to come by. New research from Université Laval is exploring a multidisciplinary approach to concussion management that would engage team therapists in return…
Cooling Strategies to Improve Performance in the Heat
Whether you are a high performance athlete training for the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games in Tokyo, or a weekend warrior working on a personal best, learning to manage heat stress should be a priority. Heat stress and fatigue can lead to decreases in performance, influencing a podium finish, or can be the precursor to…
Group Norms in Sport
Group norms represent a set of assumptions held by members of a group concerning acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, providing a glimpse into the inner workings of a group and insight into what members deem important. While some norms can be positive (e.g. expectations to show up on time and work hard), others can be negative…
Now Available: Summer 2020 SIRCuit
The 2020 Summer SIRCuit in now available! Browse our newest collection of articles, offering timely and relevant research and insights relating to leadership, athlete development, and high performance sport.
High-top Shoes & Ankle Injury
High-top basketball shoes are often marketed for their ability to minimize the risk of ankle injuries, however this claim is not supported by the evidence. Instead, increased risk has been linked to prior ankle injuries. Experts recommend wearing whatever feels the most comfortable and supportive.
Randomized Practice Structure
“Skills learned slowly are forgotten slowly” is an aphorism that should be used to coaches to inform practice structure. While a blocked practice structure may improve short-term practice performance, a randomized practice structure poses a greater challenge to learners resulting in enhanced motor learning and thus better long-term performance.
The Psychological Implications of Returning to Sport Post-Isolation
As public health restrictions begin to lift across the country, the return to some form of sport participation will require adjustment and adaptation. As athletes return to sport, the virus is still present, and so is the uncertainty. The cancellation of sport events and the imposition of stay-at-home and physical distancing protocols over the last…
Nutrition & Injury
Did you know eating more fish could help protect you from brain injury? The SIRCuit explores the promise of omega-3 fatty acids, creatine, vitamin D, curcumin, high quality fats and carbohydrates, and good hydration in protecting athletes from sub-concussive injury.
Novel Approach to Concussion Return-to-Play Decisions Based on Canadian Research
New research from Université Laval is setting the stage for quicker return-to-play decisions that satisfy all the necessary player safety protocols by tapping into the expertise of licenced health care providers involved as team therapists. The four-year research project was led by Dr. Pierre Frémont, a practising sport physician and one of Canada’s leading authorities…