Virtual Reality and Skill Development
Thinking about investing to the latest virtual reality (VR) applications for your basketball or baseball team? While promising, the majority of VR applications have focused on endurance sports, where less factors need to be considered to create an immersive environment. To support skill development, the latest tech should be evaluated for its action fidelity and…
Sport Team Communication
Effective teams communicate knowledge in a variety of ways, including the creation of transactive memory systems and shared mental models. Game and performance reviews, team training, and group planning sessions are three strategies that can enhance team communication skills and ultimately contribute to performance.
Tradition or Tech? Either Way, Keep It Representative
Some coaches rely on de facto drills that seem to be an essential part of their sport as a foundation for their practices; others turn to the latest gadgets and technology to drive their practice plans. Before integrating tradition or tech, coaches should evaluate their drills and innovative tools based on their contribution to skill…
Verbal Feedback
Verbal feedback is arguably the most abundantly used coaching “tool” in sport, but can be more or less effective depending on the type of feedback and timing. Research recommends the use of positive comparisons (e.g. in relation to previous performance), and the provision of feedback after strong trials more often than weak trials.
Want to Win? Focus on Communication
This blog is the third installment in a series in collaboration with Queen’s University. As an assignment to build knowledge mobilization skills, Dr. Luc Martin, Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, tasked students in his third year team dynamics course to write a SIRC blog. The top five were submitted to SIRC, and will…
The Impact of Good Leadership
Want to improve team performance? Invest in leadership! According to the research, strong leadership can improve athlete satisfaction and resilience, and build team confidence and cohesion—all outcomes that will contribute to better performance.
Becoming Para Ready
In 2017, 6.2 million Canadians reported having a disability and it was estimated that only 3% of those individuals engaged in regular organized physical activity (Statistics Canada, 2017; Government of Canada, 2012). Of the often-limited opportunities available, individuals experiencing disability may choose to participate through either segregated or integrated programs. Segregated sport programs are typically…
Return to Sport for Athletes
Returning to sport after months of isolation can take a mental toll on athletes. Athletes can expect to move through three phases of emotional challenges: managing the emotions associated with losing their bearings; making sense of the situation and giving meaning to the necessary change; and mobilizing energy and efforts to adapt to the new…
Football Canada Concussion Management
Despite high public angst about concussions in sport, participation in football is on the rise. Football Canada reported a 44% increase in the participation of boys and girls up to the U18 level between 2014-2018. In the SIRC blog, learn how Football Canada is using research and innovative technology to keep the sport safe through…
Match Fixing Risks for Athletes
Athletes can be victimized by match fixers who exploit their vulnerabilities and then compel them to go along with a fix for fear of being exposed for doing something wrong. Seemingly innocuous favours, such as an upgraded phone, quick access to medical services, or financial assistance, can later be used as leverage. In such situations,…