Nutritional Demands for Adolescent Athletes
Good nutrition for adolescents is essential for promoting proper growth and development and is even more important with the demanding training schedules of a young athlete. Canada’s Food Guide provides excellent nutritional information for teenagers aged between 12 and 18 years who participate in general physical activity. For teens that train at high intensities and compete…
Post-Exercise Nutrition
Post-exercise nutrition should be an important goal that is placed at the top of any serious athletes training priorities. After an intense training session, your body will be sorely lacking the energy and nutrients it needs to recover. While we workout we burn through our body’s energy stores and cause micro tears in our muscle…
Do you really need to take a multivitamin?
Vitamins and supplements are big business, with billions of dollars spent each year. North Americans are firm in the belief that they need to boost their intake of multivitamins for better health – but do they really work? Researchers generally believe that, with a few exceptions, most people that adhere to a healthy diet don’t…
The Runner’s Tummy
Experiencing physical activity by training to compete or exercising to improve our health are two ways to enhance quality of life. As you are going about your routine, stomach cramps can sometimes cause discomfort and cut short your workout. Runner’s tummy or gastrointestinal (GI) issues can hinder your ability to perform or achieve your activity…
Summer Safety: Preventing Heat Illness
Heat illness is a broad term that encompasses several conditions, ranging from mild heat cramps to heat stroke. Heat illness is typically caused by a combination of hot environment, strenuous exercise, inadequate adaptation to the heat, age, hydration levels and/or a poor choice of clothing. It’s always a risk in summer sports, particularly football and running….
Active mothers = Active kids
Being physically active has many benefits such as controlling risk factors for heart disease, managing stress and generally improving our quality of life. In recent years, childhood obesity, a key predictor of obesity in adulthood continues to increase. This health issue has garnered a significant amount of attention from the Canadian government and health care…
Vitamin B12: The Basics
An important key to maintaining a healthy mind and body is ensuring we’re fulfilling our daily nutritional needs. This means getting the appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals from our food and understanding what role they play in our health. Getting to know a little more about vitamin B12, particularly for athletes, and how it…
How can caffeine enhance athletic performance?
Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It can be found in plants, prescription and non-prescription medication, cola soft drinks, and energy drinks. In the world of athletics, caffeine is an ergogenic aid, a substance used for a competitive advantage. There is general agreement that caffeine does not appear to benefit athletes…
Hungry to Compete
Coaches, trainers, anyone a part of an athlete’s support team, have a crucial role in not only preventing problematic eating, but also being the first responder in identifying the signs and symptoms. Recent studies show that athletes who have positive coach-athlete relations are less at risk of developing disordered eating habits. Coaches should work with…
Can backing a losing team be hazardous for your health?
Fall is the time to be cheering for your favorite football or soccer team, since the regular seasons in both sports are already underway. For die-hard fans whose self-identities are tied to affiliations with certain teams, fall can be synonymous with an emotional rollercoaster. A recent study titled, From Fan to Fat? Vicarious Losing Increases…