50 years of Indigenous sport in Canada: An overview of 2 key advancements and challenges

‘Girls’ Pole Push Competition at the Dene Games Competitions’, Arctic Winter Games 2010, Grande Prairie Alberta, March 2010 (Photo: Michael Heine) Imagine what sport in Canada might look like had Indigenous peoples and their cultures not been colonized? Imagine how Canadians might understand who they are and their relationship to each other if Indigenous sports…

The history of Para sport in Canada

Canada has long been a leader in sport and recreation for persons with disability, and it is astounding to consider the contributions made in the last century. This is found in every aspect of disability sport including those for persons with intellectual impairment, mobility disabilities, and deafness. But for the purposes of this article, the…

SIRC at 50: A half-century of shaping Canadian sports through knowledge and collaboration

The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) has been a pivotal organization in Canada’s sporting landscape for half a century. Founded with the vision to provide valuable research and knowledge to support the sport community, SIRC along with its partners have played a role in shaping sport in Canada. In this exploration of SIRC’s journey, we’ll…

Cannabis and sport: What athletes and sport organizations need to know

American football on field with goal post in background.

Highlights With the exception of CBD, cannabinoids remain prohibited by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport during the competition phase of the athletic season and therefore are not to be used by athletes Although some cannabis and CBD products may be suggested to have the potential to aid with recovery or sports performance, very…

Safe, quality and values-based: 3 approaches to optimize sport experience

Highlights  There are several evidence-informed approaches to sport delivery that researchers and sport organizations encourage, and that you can engage with, to promote positive experiences and combat harmful cultures in sport and society  Quality sport, values-based sport and safe sport are 3 approaches to sport program delivery that are gaining traction and popularity at all…

Clearing the air around air quality and outdoor sport safety

A cyclist rides near industrial smokestacks

Highlights In 2022, Health Canada and the Sport Information Resource Centre partnered to create educational resources to raise awareness about air quality and the safety of outdoor sport participation Air pollution can impact the health of all Canadians, but some groups, including people engaged in outdoor sport and exercise, are at an increased risk Monitoring…

A theory of change for Canadian sport: Dorothy Paul on culture change

Highlights:  2 Loops Theory of Change seeks to describe and model organizations as living beings with life cycles  Indigenous sport leader, Dorothy Paul, advocates for 2 Loops Theory as a lens to consider cultural shift within the Canadian sport sector  In this SIRCuit article, SIRC interviews Paul to gain her perspective on cultural change, pressing…

Taking a person-first approach to high performance sport in Canada

Highlights Over the course of 2022, athletes and supporters have consistently raised concerns about maltreatment and lack of transparency in the Canadian sport sector In this SIRCuit article, Teddy Katz explores athlete concerns, as well as changes being made within Canadian sport to move towards a “person-first” system Katz spoke to Olympians, mental health experts…

What parents and guardians need to know to create positive youth sport experiences

Back view of male parents cheering their childrens playing football in school.

Highlights Parental behaviour has the potential to either positively or negatively impact youth athletes Current sporting contexts that frequently foster negative parental behaviour include parents “living vicariously” through their kids, the rise of youth sport professionalization and the high financial cost of youth sport This SIRCuit article offers practical tips for both parents and youth…

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