Canadian Sport Daily

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The SIRCuit is Canada’s quarterly e-publication dedicated to empowering sport and technical leaders through knowledge. We often hear “Tell me something I didn’t know, but show me the proof.” With this is mind, our focus is to share credible, evidence based insights and learnings from a variety of sources to help you be more informed about sport in Canada.

SIRC Forum

Join a dynamic online community connecting research and practice to advance the Canadian sport system! The SIRC Forum is an interactive, online platform that brings together researchers and practitioners to enhance sport in Canada. The Forum is a place for you to ask and answer questions, share resources and findings, discuss trending topics or issues, and connect with potential partners or collaborators.

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News travels fast. Stay connected to sport and physical activity-related knowledge, news, jobs and resources through SIRC’s daily newsletter — The Canadian Sport Daily — delivered straight to your inbox.

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