Spring SIRCuit
Between 12 April and 24 October, 2022, SIRC led the research process for the 2023-2033 Canadian Sport Policy (CSP) renewal. Canadians coast to coast to coast shared their vision, opportunities and challenges facing sport delivery and participation in Canada. SIRC’s findings are summarized in our What We Heard Report, which we invite you to read.
Over the course of 2022, athletes and supporters have consistently raised concerns about maltreatment and lack of transparency within Canadian sport. In this SIRCuit article, Teddy Katz dives into the status of high performance sport culture in Canada, including past and current issues, as well as positive shifts in direction by individuals and organizations.
The Canadian sport system is staring down an officiating crisis as numbers are in steep decline due to a combination of abuse, lack of support from organizations and lack of compensation. In this SIRCuit article, Caela Fenton speaks to officials from various sports across the country to get their perspectives on potential solutions, including the key role that parents play in modelling appropriate sideline behaviour.
Sport systems and organizations tend to put significant emphasis on youth participation and development. This is a great thing. But we can’t overlook the importance of engaging and retaining adult sport participants too. In this SIRCuit article, Bettina Callary discusses how the Canadian sport system can better support lifelong participation, in particular by understanding the needs of Masters athletes and older adults.
It’s no surprise that parental behaviour (be it good or bad) has developmental influence on youth athletes. In this SIRCuit article, Alex Murata outlines factors within the contemporary sport context that foster negative parental behaviours and offers practical tips to both parents and organizations on fostering supportive parent-athlete relationships.
Sport can help to promote physical and mental health, build social connections and support integration into Canadian communities among newcomers to Canada. Newcomers also face unique barriers to participation, including cost, transportation, language, access to information, racism and more. In this SIRCuit article, Veronica Allan speaks to newcomers in participant, parent, and coaching roles in the Canadian sport system to discuss the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of sport for newcomers