What is better, morning or evening exercise?

For most people daily exercise is dictated by when they can fit it in during their busy schedules. We all know that physical activity has many health benefits and doing the recommended minimum has a better outcome than being inactive. Some people are adamant that morning sweat is the best way to start their days…
When does a routine become a habit?

As an athlete, taking some time off from your sport is an essential part of the training process. After a long season your body needs time to recover. Getting away from your sport for a while also helps rejuvenate that passion and fire to compete and train again. When you return to training, the first…
The Best Defensive Techniques in Soccer

By Amanda Johnston – Algonquin Sport Business Management student With the 2014 FIFA World Cup underway, everyone around the world is talking about these elite teams and how they will apply specific strategies to win the coveted World Cup. Players, coaches, and fans across the globe have high demands for achieving the most efficient tactical…
Is momentum important to the outcome of a match?

Fans, coaches, players and play-by-play announcers love to use the word momentum to describe the turning point of a game or a match. Gaining momentum is thought of as a positive outcome while losing momentum is the opposite. This is more evident during a 7 game series where one team can erase a 3-0 series…
How can caffeine enhance athletic performance?

Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It can be found in plants, prescription and non-prescription medication, cola soft drinks, and energy drinks. In the world of athletics, caffeine is an ergogenic aid, a substance used for a competitive advantage. There is general agreement that caffeine does not appear to benefit athletes…
Optimal performance in a trusting frame of mind

Athletes practice and train to be able to duplicate what they have learned from these sessions come match time. Being instinctive during a game allows for consistency and proper execution. To be able to compete at your best, an athlete’s trust in the skills learned and developed during practice can lead to better performances and…
Periodization: Preparation for Success

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe. Athletes devote many hours of training over a season with a support team consisting of coaches, trainers and doctors to ultimately get the chance to compete at their highest levels. Preparation can be a deciding factor in whether an…
The effectiveness of a pre-competition routine

Athletes train to be able to perform with confidence during competition. They prepare both physically and mentally for all sceneries but there are situations that athletes cannot control on competition day such as weather, the venue or their opponents. Sometimes the unexpected can happen creating unwanted stresses. One way to help ensure athletes feel they…
Polarized training approach

During the Sochi Olympic Winter games in the Adler speed skating arena, the Dutch speed skating team showed total dominance as they hauled in 24 medals out of a possible 36. In fact, the Netherlands’ total medals came from speed skating only. A recent study on the Dutch speed skating team concluded that in the…
Is massage effective for exercise recovery?

For most coaches, trainers, and athletes, massage is an integral part of a training and competition program. Sports massage can be used to improve athletic performance, speed recovery, and can be used by all individuals, professional or recreational athletes, to help improve conditioning and maintain peak performance. What is sport massage? Sports massage is the…