SIRCuit – Spring 2019

The Spring 2019 SIRCuit is now available! Check out our newest collection of articles, providing timely and relevant research and insights relating to leadership, athlete development, and high performance sport: Cannabis and Sport: Perspectives from a Seat in the Canadian Senate A Positive Environment for Volunteer Coaches: The Role of Psychological Contract Gender Equity is…

Managing the Risk of Athlete Burnout With or Without Early Specialization

Burnt out matchstick

Parents who dream of their children becoming professional athletes, and coaches who believe that single-minded dedication is the only way to reach the top of their sport, have contributed to an increase in early sport specialization. However, there are many researchers, coaches, and athletes who have been pushing back on this trend, citing a range…

Concussion Blog – Ringette

For ringette, putting a values lens on the issue of concussions made decision-making simpler – preventing concussions as much as possible and ensuring athletes recover properly are priorities. When pressure to return to play comes from athletes not wanting to miss out, or parents pushing to have their child back on the ice, clear protocols…

Technique errors in runners

Shin splints, runners’ knee, iliotibial (IT) band pain, and Achilles tendinopathy are common injuries experienced by runners. Research suggests that many of these injuries are the result of simple technique errors. Using 3D infrared cameras, researchers identified common biomechanical patterns, such as side to side pelvis drop and greater forward lean, were more likely to…

Mindful Eating

Healthy eating is about more than just the foods you eat. Being mindful of your eating habits means being aware of what you eat, why you eat, how you eat, and how much you eat. Mindful eating can help you make healthier choices, and reconnect you to the eating experience.

True Sport Selection Process

Two new True Sport resources are designed to help sport organizations put values at the centre of coach and player selection processes. The Coach Selection Process resource provides practical tools to support the identification of coaches that are committed to values-based sport. The Player Selection Process resource supports a selection approach that is designed to…

Reading the Game

Scanning, or “reading the game”, is an important skill that should be learned from a young age. However, research has discovered that new coaches are more likely to focus on technical skills, at the expense of tactical skill development. The findings support the use of coach education and mentoring to promote the value of scanning…

Compression stockings

Designed to apply pressure to the lower legs and enhance blood circulation, compression stockings are a relatively new technology in sport performance. A study measuring agility and lower limb muscular endurance amongst female athletes after a soccer match found the compression tights reduced fatigue-related muscle damage. This suggests compressing stockings could provide a significant performance…

Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep is associated with numerous physical and psychological health risks. Healthy sleep habits include making sleep a priority, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and setting the stage for sleep by creating a comfortable environment and limiting distractions from noise and light immediately before bed (including electronic devices!).

Cannabis Stores

Ontario’s first legal cannabis stores are scheduled to open today. However, cannabis remains a banned substance for athletes subject to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP). Learn more about the health and policy implications of cannabis use for athletes in this SIRCuit article.

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