Increasing physical literacy in youth
Physical literacy – the motivation, confidence, competence, and knowledge to be physically active for life – is considered by some to be the essential ingredient to lifelong physical activity. But how is it developed? Analysis of participant outcomes from a two-week day camp design to increase physical literacy showed promising results from a mix of…
Physical Literacy Assessment Tool
The Physical Literacy Environmental Assessment (PLEA) tool examines four domains to determine the extent to which sport and physical activity programs support the development of physical literacy amongst children and youth: environment, programming, leaders and staff, and values and goals, The tool can also be used as a checklist when planning and delivering a physical…
Youth Behaviour Trajectories
Longitudinal studies allow us to observe behavioural changes and identify patterns over time, providing unique insight on how behaviours are affected by life events. New research using data from the Monitoring Activities of Teenagers to Comprehend their Habits (MATCH) study, which followed nearly 1,000 children for eight years, describes how Canadian youth follow different trajectories…
The Digital Gamification of Youth Sport Engagement

Gamification is the use of game techniques, such as the allocation of points and rewards, to provide incentive and fuel the competitive spirit in aspects of life outside of sport (Bunchball, 2020). Examples are abundant, and include Points Days at Shoppers Drug Mart, using an Aeroplan credit card to earn travel miles, or opening a…
Physical Literacy & TGfU
Physical literacy has become an important outcome across many educational, sport, and recreation settings in Canada. Research from Brock University finds pedagogical strategies that incorporate a Teaching Games for Understanding approach can support the development of physical literacy among elementary-school-aged youth.
Physical literacy and life-long participation
The development of physical literacy is essential to life-long participation in sport and physical activity. Learn how teachers and parents (and program leaders, coaches, and others!) can be allies in ensuring students develop the “motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life” in the…
Parents and Teachers – Allies in Physical Literacy

With students settled into new classes with new teachers, many families find themselves considering how to best support student success across the school day. Physical literacy is becoming an integral facet of Physical and Health Education curricula across the country, and parents are likely to see this term more often on report cards, course outlines,…
Physical Literacy Allies
Physical literacy is a central component of physical education curricula across the country. But the concept may be unfamiliar to many parents. Today’s SIRC blog helps demystify the concept so parents can be allies with teachers in supporting student success.
Game and Activity Databases
Are you a teacher looking for new ideas to activate your students during class, recess or after school; or a coach looking to refresh your practices? The Playworks Game Library and Active for Life Activity Database let you search activities by age, skill, group size, and more!
Mother’s Day 2019
Parents and caregivers can have a deep and meaningful impact on the development of a child’s physical literacy. To celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend, this Active for Life blog shares insights from elite Canadian athletes about their mother’s influence on their athletic journey.