Critical Ingredients for Board Effectiveness: A Discussion with Cari Din and Carolyn Trono

 Good governance is essential to advancing the mission and vision of every organization. However, governance is often cited as an issue within many sport organizations and is viewed as a very complex and sometimes challenging topic. Within the following discussion, Carolyn Trono and Cari Din share their insights based upon critical gaps that they see…

Risk Management for Sport Leaders

Risk management in sport was largely associated with helmets, crash mats, and course safety until 10 years ago when sport leader Dina Bell-Laroche, now a partner with the Sport Law & Strategy Group (SLSG), considered risk from a different angle. Bell-Laroche wondered if sport organizations would benefit from a comprehensive inquiry into assessing organizational risks…

Retaining Experienced Coaches

Understanding the factors that influence coach transitions is pertinent. Six themes were identified: 1) interpersonal considerations, 2) work demands, 3) career concerns, 4) positive coaching experiences, 5) seeking opportunities to be more successful and 6) leaving a negative or challenging work environment. Findings highlight the importance of practitioners and sports organizations providing support to enable…

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