Remote vs Onsite Employees: Challenging the notion that one size fits all

People at a board meeting clapping after a presentation

Workplaces have changed and provided more employee options over the last few year both in physical space design, the flexibility in hours employers provide, and the options to work from offsite or on. These changes are in response to employers trying to create the most productive work environment for their employees and to satisfy the…

Sport Participation Research Initiative: 10 years in review

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The purpose of this presentation by Sport Canada was to provide an overview of the retrospective analysis of the first 10 years of the program encouraging sport participation research in Canada. The review was intended to understand: Amount of research undertaken; What research was published or shared; Theme areas researched; Sport Canada’s SPRI investments in…

Canadian Paralympic Committee Pathway Research Strategy

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In today’s rapidly changing sport landscape, it’s critical to make every decision count – and make sure every dollar has impact. Many organizations are seeking ways to use data to inform decisions and assess outcomes. But how exactly do you to move from the concept of “evidence-informed” to tangible, deliberate application of research to your…

Concussions … Together We Can Make a Difference

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This article presents a case study of how stakeholder collaborations can maximize engagement. The case is based off of a collaboration between the Sport Information Resource Centre and Dr. Ann Pegararo from Laurentian University exploring an analysis of social media communications around important announcements in the conversation around concussion in sport. Learnings show: Analytics help…

Sports Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Athletes

Two female and one male athletes jumping

This study aims to gain a better understanding of the sports experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) athletes. There is very little Canadian data so far on the reality of LGBT athletes. However, all existing studies on the subject look at the difficulties faced by LGBT athletes, such as rejection by peers, harassment,…

Leveraging Parasport Events for Sustainable Community Participation

Team Canada at the paralympic games

The aim of this project was to examine how the hosting of different forms of sport events for persons with disabilities were being leveraged to create opportunities for community participation, and influence community attitudes towards disability. Research on events demonstrates that it is necessary to intentionally and strategically construct programs and opportunities around the event…

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