Coaching your own child – 5 tips for the parent-coach

Being a parent-coach presents a unique set of challenges. Coaching is all about relationships, but sometimes the relationship between a parent and child poses different demands to that of an athlete and their coach. Balancing both can be difficult; particularly in team environments, where we must strive to be fair not only to ourselves and…

Sleep issues among concussed youth athletes

Concussions among athletes represent a significant concern in the world of sport and medicine. Sleep disturbances are common among those who have experienced concussions, particularly among pediatric patients, and are linked to more severe symptoms within 2 weeks of the injury. With melatonin being a common sleep aid, a recent study looked into prescriptions of…

Embracing Social Justice through youth sport

For years, youth sports have relied on positive youth development (PYD) and life skills approaches. With social justice movements gaining momentum, it’s time to look at youth sports through a new lens. This study explores how we can reshape PYD and life skills to address social justice issues like racism and gender inequality.

Physical activity as a preventative measure for smartphone addiction

Smartphone addiction and its effects on academic performance have received widespread attention from researchers, teachers, parents and more in recent years. In hopes of mitigating its effects, a recent study, done on 250 undergraduate students, found that physical activity can be used as a preventative factor to mitigate smartphone addiction.

Exploring adolescent sports ambitions

Despite Norway’s reputation for gender equality, disparities exist in sports ambitions among young boys and girls. A recent study examines whether young teens share equal aspirations of becoming professional athletes. Researchers found that, while boys often aspire to pursue professional athleticism, girls tend to prioritize skill development over professional ambitions. This underscores the influence of…

Physical activity and climate change

Unfavourable weather and climate conditions, such as heatwaves, heavy rain and smoke-filled air, can lead to canceled recesses and outdoor sport and recreation activities, and more indoor sedentary time. The 2024 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth uncovers how active kids in Canada are and how to keep them active in…

Youth sport participation and physical activity in rural communities

Children and youth in rural areas move around and play sports differently depending on their grade, gender, and family income. This study found disparities in sport participation and activity levels, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to promote physical activity and health equity among rural youth.

Bolstering learning for children with neurodevelopmental disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication, interaction, and other behaviours. A recent study suggests that exercise programs designed to enable children with ASD to participate can significantly improve their physical literacy and motor skills, offering a potentially valuable framework for physical activity programming for children with ASD.

Shifting the narrative: Empowering parents and fostering understanding of their roles in the youth sport system

Parents as promoters of positive youth sport experiences  One of the key social agents within the youth sport environment is the parent. They are commonly called upon to facilitate critical components of youth sport participation, such as providing material (registration and travel fees, equipment purchases, volunteerism) and emotional support like encouragement and feedback for athletes…

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