Seeking care after a concussion

Referring an athlete to a medical professional is a critical first step in concussion recovery. Research shows that athletes who get medical care in the first few days following a concussion recover sooner than those who wait more than ten days to seek care. If you think an athlete has sustained a concussion, encourage them…

Cannabis and sport: What athletes and sport organizations need to know

American football on field with goal post in background.

Highlights With the exception of CBD, cannabinoids remain prohibited by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport during the competition phase of the athletic season and therefore are not to be used by athletes Although some cannabis and CBD products may be suggested to have the potential to aid with recovery or sports performance, very…

Clearing the air around air quality and outdoor sport safety

A cyclist rides near industrial smokestacks

Highlights In 2022, Health Canada and the Sport Information Resource Centre partnered to create educational resources to raise awareness about air quality and the safety of outdoor sport participation Air pollution can impact the health of all Canadians, but some groups, including people engaged in outdoor sport and exercise, are at an increased risk Monitoring…


Coaching philosophies play a key role in athletes’ safety. Developed by Dr. Peter Scales, “Compete-Learn-Honor” is a new, evidence-informed approach to player development that promotes emotional and physical safety, fun, and growth as a person and player.

Global Assessment on Physical Activity

The Global status report on physical activity is WHO’s first global assessment of implementation of policy recommendations to reduce physical inactivity by 15% in 2030. The report shows global progress has been slow. To reach this goal, WHO provides 5 suggestions, one of which includes providing more opportunities for those such as older adults and…

Bicycle helmets and children

Biking is a popular form of physical activity for children that has risks for injury to the head. Research shows that children who rode bicycles without a helmet are 14 times more likely to experience a fatal crash compared to children wearing helmets. Safe Kids provides safety tips on how to ensure that your child…

Military sport programs

Sport programs have great potential to support the healing and recovery of injured and ill military personnel and their families. In fact, military personnel and their families alike benefit when sport programs recognize, appreciate and cultivate a sense of belonging for military families. Here are some tips to integrate military families into sport programs, which…

Return to physical activity postpartum

The postpartum transition (from childbirth to one-year postpartum) is among the most challenging identity shifts for women. Physical activity has the capacity to reconnect women with their new bodies, while improving mental health. With education and support, more women can safely resume physical activity after childbirth and benefit from improved well-being.

Sport Information Resource Centre, Coaching Association of Canada and Health Canada Launch Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) E-learning Module

Outdoor soccer on a field when there’s low air quality and smog is visible.

Canada’s most trusted partner in advancing sport knowledge is raising awareness of the importance of the AQHI as it relates to athlete health and empowering sport leaders to make informed decisions about air quality. March 21, 2023 Ottawa – The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), in partnership with Health Canada and conjunction with the Coaching…

Fitness trackers encourage increased activity

Fitness trackers and other wearable tech have become increasingly popular in sporting and non-sporting populations. Researchers have determined that activity trackers tend to encourage wearers to take approximately 1800 extra steps per day, equivalent to approximately 40 extra minutes of walking.

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