Ontario Volleyball and Communiti Put Volleyball registration in the Palm of your Hand

The fact that we can all access most of what we want from the comfort of our own homes in 2023 is as common as a daily sunrise. The surprises come from the kinds of things that are available to us and what has gone into making that happen.

Once upon a time, registering for your favourite sport activity was a commitment; from sourcing the location, to printing off the application to visiting the facility with a cheque (what’s that?!?!) and then waiting to see if the session that was requested was available. If not? The whole process needed to start again.

It was with the convenience of the participants and their parents in mind that Ontario Volleyball Association partnered with the communiti app to facilitate registrations starting with the 2023 Beach Volleyball season. This partnership has kicked off with communiti facilitating registration for the Ashbridges Bay Beach Volleyball League, the largest in North America. (https://www.ashbridgesvolleyball.com/)

There are OVA clubs using the app as well. It’s no wonder with a streamlined process where the user experience is such that a potential player can go from exploring the offerings in their area to chatting with the club administrator with any questions to signing up and paying for their session in a matter of minutes. It’s convenient and affordable and allows for both administrators and players to get up and running in no time. The benefits can be explained by way of administration tasks being reduced for clubs and coaches by by 50% while growing revenues by 30%. For many volunteer-run organizations, this is good news.

“Finding ways to add value to the membership experience and promote convenience is something that has enormous value to Ontario Volleyball,” commented OVA Executive Director Jo-Anne Ljubicic. “We want to be able to offer ways to easily get as many people into playing volleyball as quickly as possible and communiti helps with that.”

There is an added bonus of a communiti Loves Volleyball Fund that has been created to support
programs that promote volleyball in the community by a percentage of each registration’s user fee being added from each transaction.

The backbone of the communiti app rests in Artificial Intelligence and the way that an app can predict answers to the questions users may have in looking to register for a sport. In other words, helping users discover the clubs and coaches around them and then get matched according to their skill level is a literal game changer. “We created this app using all of today’s technology as a way of making sports more
accessible to everyone,” said communiti Co-Founder and CEO Shashank BK. “In today’s world being able to get what we need by using an app on our phone is no longer unusual. Adapting to using an app has gone from extraordinary to the ‘every day’.”

Ontario’s Phoenix Volleyball Club sees the value too. “We decided to use the communiti app for our Beach Volleyball registrations. It’s easy for us to manage in the back end, is easy for our players and their parents to register with all of the information available about schedule, time, and skill level. It also takes the impulse for a person to try volleyball while cruising the internet to reality,” said Katrine Ivey, Founder and President, Phoenix Volleyball. (https://phoenixvolleyball.ca/).

Skate Ontario, the governing body for skating in the province has also jumped on board with communiti as a partner. “Offering the communiti app to our members was a ‘no-brainer’. It offered clubs and skating schools within our region the chance at an online presence, ease of registration and a way of giving back to skating with the development of the communiti loves Skating Fund. A win-win for everyone,” declared Skate Ontario Business Development Advisor Pj Kwong.

Volleyball and figure skating are at the front of this online movement to the communiti app but others like para sport, hockey coaching, sailing and golf are following suit.

For more information or to see how communiti can help your club or organization, contact:


Websites:  communiti.app      ontariovolleyball.org

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